Page 6 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Love, Continued from page 5                                                                             opens up again. At that time, they’d
                                                                                                                  like to do some international travel.
          She laughingly continued, “We had                                                                          “Make sure you are on the same
          both dated financial nightmares be-                                                                     page on religion, having and rearing
          fore meeting each other, so this was                                                                    children,  money,  and  long-term
          an important ‘ah-ha’ moment.”                                                                           goals”  the  Wagners  advise  couples
             “My  mom  was  diagnosed  with                                                                       preparing  to  spend  a  lifetime  to-
          cancer while we were planning our                                                                       gether. “Not talking about these sub-
          wedding,” said Vicki about the chal-                                                                    jects is not the same as agreeing on
          lenges that the couple have faced in                                                                    them.”
          their time together.  “She lost her bat-
          tle 3 years ago.  I don't know what I
          would have done without Phil's love                                                                     Cook Love Story
          and  support  during  that  difficult                                                                      December 27,1960. The day Gin-
          time.”                                                                                                  ger and Paul Cook married at First
             The couple married on June 29,                                                                       United Methodist Church in Wayne.
          2013. With almost 8 years of mar-                                                                          December 27, 2020. The day of
          riage under their belt, Phil and Vicki                                                                  the last worship service before First
          also share their home with their two                                                                    United Methodist Church closed its
          young children. Nathaniel is 6 and                                                                      doors.
          Vivian is 4.                                                                                               Paul and Ginger Cook visited the
             “We both believe marriage is for                     Councilman Phil and Vicki Wagner at Ford Field in Detroit.  church  before  its  closing  to  remi-
          life, so we work hard to resolve our  during  the  lock-down,”  admitted  tour some Detroit landmarks.  We  nisce on their 60 years together. Be-
          disagreements. We also maintain re-  Phil.                            also love spending a week each sum-  cause the new owner of the church is
          spect for each other while disagree-  The  couple  count  the  births  of  mer somewhere ‘up north’ for family  doing renovations, the old altar was
          ing.  It took us way too long to find  their children and buying their first  vacation.    We've  rented  cottages  in  being removed when Paul was able
          each other to ruin a great marriage  house in Wayne in 2014 as highlights  East Jordan, Cadillac, and Gaylord  to salvage a piece of it. The altar was
          over  disagreements  and  foolish  of their relationship.             over  the  last  few  years,”  said  Phil.  the  one  that  the  couple  had  been
          pride.”                              “We both love history and archi- “Post-COVID, sadly, we've just been  married at 60 years ago to the day. A
              2020  has  brought  additional  tecture, so on our occasional date-  watching Perry Mason re-runs.”  token of their special day.
          challenges  to  the  Wagners.  “2020  nights,  we  enjoy  dinner  and  then  With several small home renova-  In the intervening years, Paul and
          had its many challenges, especially  driving  through  historic  neighbor-  tion projects on the horizon, the cou-
          entertaining/schooling our children  hoods.  Pre-COVID, we would often  ple plans to stay busy until the world           See Love, page 7

          6 · February 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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