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Wayne library part of 1 million downloads record

          By Carolyn Marnon                  and  Commerce  Township  Commu-      4. Educated by Tara Westover       2. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
             The  Wayne  Public  Library  has  nity Library.                      5.  The  Silent  Patient  by  Alex  Stone
          partnered with a group of 49 other   “The 50 member libraries of the  Michaelides                          3. The Vanishing Half
          TLN (The Library Network) libraries  OverDrive  Download  Destination                                      4. Where the Crawdads Sing
          to establish Download Destination, a  group are very pleased and proud at  The top 5 audiobook titles bor-  5. The Book of Lost Friends
          group of southeastern Michigan TLN  having achieved one million check-  rowed through Download Destina-    Readers  in  southeast  Michigan
          (The Library Network) libraries mak-  outs of OverDrive digital materials in  tion’s digital collection in 2020:  just need a valid library card from a
          ing OverDrive digital materials avail-  2020,”  said  Jim  Flury,  Technical  1.  Harry  Potter  and  the  Sor-  member  library  to  access  digital
          able  to  their  patrons.  OverDrive  Services Manager of The Library Net-  cerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling  books from Download Destination’s
          makes  available  the  industry’s  work. “While the digital format has  2. Where the Crawdads Sing by   OverDrive-powered digital collection.
          largest digital catalog of ebooks, au-  seen an uptick in usage every year in  Delia Owens              Readers can use any major device,
          diobooks, magazines and other con-  our libraries, with the temporary clo-  3. Becoming by Michelle Obama  including   Apple(R),   Android™,
          tent through apps.                 sure of libraries that started in mid-  4.  The  Giver  of  Stars  by  Jojo  Chromebook™  and  Kindle(R)  (US
             Download     Destination   an-  March, demand for OverDrive digital  Moyes                           only). Visit
          nounced  last  month  that  it  had  materials has grown at an unprece-  5. Educated by Tara Westover   or  download  the  Libby  app  to  get
          reached a record-breaking one mil-  dented  rate.  Please  be  sure  to  use                            started and borrow ebooks and au-
          lion digital book checkouts in 2020.  your library card, or contact your li-  The  top  five  OverDrive  ebook  diobooks anytime, anywhere.
          This accomplishment illustrates the  brary to get a card if you don't have  circulating titles for Wayne Public  Wayne  Library  Director  Jody
          continued growth and importance of  one,  to  "check  out"  our  Download  Library in 2020              Wolak says, “At the Wayne Public Li-
          library digital lending of ebooks and  Destination OverDrive collection!”  1. American Dirt: A Novel    brary,  we  saw  a  28%  increase  in
          audiobooks, especially in a year with  The   highest-circulating   title  2. Where the Crawdads Sing    downloadable items checked out in
          building closures due to the global  Download Destination readers bor-  3. The Giver of Stars: A Novel  the last fiscal year.  If people want to
          pandemic. It is one of 102 public li-  rowed  through  OverDrive  in  2020  4. Such a Fun Age           try out downloading an ebook or au-
          brary  systems  worldwide  that  sur-  was  Where  the  Crawdads  Sing  by  5. The Silent Patient       diobook, we have links and instruc-
          passed one million checkouts. The  Delia  Owens.  The  top-circulating                                  tions     on     our      website,
          Toronto Public Library system was  genre, thrillers, represents the most  The  top  five  OverDrive  audio-
          #1  with  an  astounding  8  million  popular in a vast catalog that also in-  book circulating titles for Wayne  Note:  Some  information  above
          checkouts.                         cludes  romance,  biographies  and  Public Library in 2020           was obtained from a press release of
             Download Destination member li-  children/young adult.               1. Girl, Wash Your Face         The Library Network.
          braries have been providing readers
          24/7  access  to  ebooks  and  audio-  The top 5 ebook titles borrowed
          books  for  several  years  through  through  Download  Destination’s
          OverDrive  and  its  award-winning  digital collection in 2020:
          Libby reading app. Reader interest    1. Where the Crawdads Sing by
          and  usage  has  grown  every  year.  Delia Owens
          Member libraries include Novi Pub-    2.  The  Giver  of  Stars  by  Jojo
          lic Library, Livonia Civic Center Li-  Moyes
          brary,  Waterford  Township  Public   3. Little Fires Everywhere by Ce-
          Library, Northville District Library  leste Ng

          8 · February 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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