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Holiday Night at the

                                                                               Wayne Historical Museum

                                                                                By Sarah Shurge
                                                                                  As fall begins to fade and the tem-
                                                                                perature begins to lower, that means
                                                                                one thing is on the way - winter. Win-
                                                                                ter is coming and with winter comes
                                                                                the holidays.
                                                                                  If you and your family are looking
                                                                                for a night of good holiday fun, an
                                                                                event  is  coming  up  just  for  you.  display and will be carving and an-
                                                                                Wayne’s annual Christmas tree light-  swering  questions  throughout  the
                                                                                ing  ceremony  is  happening  again  night.
                                                                                this year.                           A food truck will also be at the
                                                                                  Holiday Night at the museum will  event. One free ticket will be handed
                                                                                be Saturday, December 4th, at the  out for each person.
                                                                                Wayne Historical Society on 1 Towne  Hillcrest Bible Church will pro-
                                                                                Square  St.  The  event  will  start  at  vide cookies and hot chocolate.
                                                                                6:00 p.m. and will go until 8:30 p.m.   Being  a  month  out  before  the
                                                                                  The evening will kick off with a  event, The Wayne Historical Society
                                                                                short parade around the church at  is still working on finalizing all the
                                                                                6:00  p.m.  Santa  will  be  there  and  sponsors and details.
                                                                                the Mayor of Wayne will present him  The event is currently sponsored
                                                                                with a key to the City of Wayne. Mrs.  by the City of Wayne Downtown De-
                                                                                Claus  will  also  attend,  as  well  as  velopment  Authority  (DDA),  The
                                                                                other holiday characters.         Wayne  Historical  Society,  Hillcrest
                                                                                  “This event is more than just see-  Bible  Church,  Parkside  Credit
                                                                                ing  Santa,”  said  President  of  the  Union,  The  City  of  Wayne  Depart-
                                                                                Wayne Historical Society Nicole Con-  ment  of  Public  Works  (DPW),  St.
                                                                                klin.                             Mary’s Catholic Church, and Knights
                                                                                  Aside from the tree lighting, the  of Columbus.
                                                                                night will be filled with activities for  “The DDA is a proud sponsor of
                                                                                the whole family.                 the event,” said Lori Gouin, Commu-
                                                                                  There will be craft projects, along  nity Development/Planning Director.
                                                                                with outside games in the parking    This is the fifth year in a row the
                                                                                lots. Candy and give-aways will be  The  Wayne  Historical  Society  has
                                                                                available for the kids. Professional  planned Holiday Night.
                                                                                balloon  twisters  will  attend,  along  The museum is open Wednesday
                                                                                with a choir singing and bells play-  10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. and Thursday
                                                                                ing. There will be a petting zoo and  10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. If you want to
                                                                                a DJ.                             learn  about  events,  fundraisers  or
                                                                                  Two performers from Detroit Fly-  more  information  about  the  mu-
                                                                                house Circus will also attend, as well  seum, you can visit the website at
                                                                                as two ice sculptors. The sculptors
                                                                                will have finished ice sculpture on  ety. Or call (734)722-0113.

                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · November 2021 · 5
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