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8th annual free holiday meals for Veterans

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         November  17th,  to  receive  a  com-
             It’s  important  to  give  thanks  to                                                                plete Holiday Meal for free.
          our  veterans.  That’s  why  Westland                                                                      Veterans,  active-duty  service
          Mayor Bill Wild, Wayne Mayor John                                                                       members and/or their families can
          Rhaesa,  Wayne-Ford  Civic  League                                                                      pick up their meal on Saturday, No-
          President Vic Barra, and elected offi-                                                                  vember  20th,  between  10:00  a.m.
          cials are coming together for the 8th                                                                   and  1:00  p.m.  at  the  Wayne  Ford
          Annual  Holiday  Meals  for  Wayne-                                                                     Civic League on Wayne Road in West-
          Westland  veterans  and  active  duty                                                                   land.
          families.                                                                                                  If for any reason you are unable
             “This is a meal provided by your                                                                     to  pick  up  your  meal  during  the
          community  in  gratitude  for  your                                                                     scheduled day or hours of pickup,
          service,” said Barra. “We want veter-                                                                   contact the Wayne Ford Civic League
          ans to get appreciation and pick up                                                                     at (734)728-5010.
          the meal even if they don’t need it.                                                                       Assistance, special arrangements,
          They  can  give  it  away  to  someone                                                                  or  delivery  options  are  available.
          that does.”                                                                                             Westland Community Police Officers
             The program is for Wayne-West-                                                                       will be delivering meals to veterans.
          land  veterans,  surviving  spouses,                                                                       “We make sure everyone gets their
          and  families  of  active  duty  service                                                                meal  if  they  sign  up  for  it,”  said
          members. All you have to do is regis-                                                                   Barra.
          ter and then you will receive a free                          Veterans will receive a turkey with all the fixings.   Barra has been involved with the
          meal.                              receive a (12-16 pound) turkey, stuff-  Office at (734)722-2000.     program  since  day  one  when  it
             “This is a great program. The  vet-  ing,  mashed  potatoes  and  gravy,  #3:  You  can  download  the  Vet-  started eight years ago.
          erans I have met were very apprecia-  sweet  potatoes,  corn,  green  beans,  eran's  Registration  Form  from  the  After retiring from Ford in 2019,
          tive,” said Mayor Rhaesa. “I’m glad  cranberry sauce, and heat and serve  website listed above, fill it out, and  Barra accepted the Director position
          we are able to give back to the people  rolls for a family of 6-8 people.   email the completed form to either:  under Mayor Wild. He also holds the
          that  have  served  our  country  and  The meal is completely free, all  Mayor  Wild  at  mayor@cityofwest-  title of Veteran Affairs Liaison. Barra
          now it is our chance to serve them.”  you have to do is register using one  or  Mayor  Rhaesa  at  is a veteran himself. He joined the
             When  the  program  originally  of the four following methods:           U.S. Air Force in 1977. Now, Barra
          started  eight  years  ago,  they  were  #1: You can register online with  #4:  Or  you  can  pick  up  a  Vet-  manages all things veteran that go
          only handing out turkeys. However,  the     online     form      at   eran’s Registration Form at the West-  through City Hall.
          it quickly grew after two years to sup-  land City Hall Greeter Station and  “Giving back to the community is
          ply an entire meal so veterans can in-  Meals-for-Military-Members-Progr  drop the completed form off at either  what I do,” said Barra. “This meal is
          vite their family or friends over to eat  #2: You can call the Mayor's Of-  City Hall building.         a form of appreciation that's tangible.
          with them.                         fice at either: Mayor Wild's Office at  Applications must be submitted  It's nice to hear thank you for your
             Once  registered,  recipients  will  (734)467-3200  or  Mayor  Rhaesa's  no  later  than  noon  on  Wednesday,  service.”
          STEP to open new Thrift Store and Donation Center

             Services  To  Enhance  Potential  Mikulski, President & CEO, STEP.     Sales  Manager,  STEP.  “Our  stores  Southgate/downriver  arts  commu-
          (STEP)  to  host  a  grand  opening   Thrift store shopping is on an all-  are for divas who dress with person-  nity, transforming opportunities for
          event  for  its  newest  STEP  Thrift  time high in growing numbers of var-  ality, and do so on a dime,” added  disabled adults in the region.
          Store and Donation Center, and Pro-  ied  demographics.  STEP  provides  Cooley.                           In addition to its new Southgate
          gressive Art Studio Collective (PASC),  successful retail/resale work experi-  This is PASC’s first progressive  location,  STEP’s  Progressive  Art
          to  date,  on  Friday,  November  12,  ences  for  persons  with  disabilities  art studio and gallery in Southgate.  Studio   Collective   (PASC)  has
          2021, at 13705 and 13721 Eureka    and  other  mental  health  needs  in  A progressive art studio is an open  other  Wayne  County  in-person stu-
          Road,  (next  door  to  each  other  in  Wayne County. In addition to STEP’s  art studio model, used by many dis-  dios and virtual studio programs in
          Southgate  Shopping  Center),  at  new and largest Southgate location,  ability  programs  across  the  world,  Detroit and Westland.
          10:00  AM.  This  new  STEP  Thrift  it has two other Wayne County Thrift  which helps artists with developmen-  PASC  Southgate  will  feature  its
          Store and Donation Center replaced  Store & Donation Center locations,  tal  disabilities  and  mental  health  first   exhibition  titled,  Introduc-
          the Dix-Toledo Road, Southgate, loca-  one  in  Dearborn  Heights,  and  the  needs to build art careers by encour-  tions  in the PASC Southgate Gallery.
          tion. Both soft openings were held in  other  in  Wayne.  Many  unique  bar-  aging  the  development  of  unique  It  will  feature  a  series  of  por-
          September and October 2021. STEP   gains and treasures are waiting to be  artistic styles and independent art  traits  by PASC artists in paint and
          is aggressively growing in its offer-  discovered.                    practices.                        drawing  media,  of  people  and  ani-
          ings.                                 Watch for Your Thrift Store Diva  The  studios  and  galleries    are  mals; real,  shamanistic, and fanci-
             “With  our  nearly  50  years  in  to appear Live and on social media  staffed  by  professional  artists  and  ful.
          business,  not  only  have  we  grown  with fun fashion  tips.        curators  who  share  their  practice  All  exhibition  artwork  is  for
          tremendously,  but  so  have  the  de-  “It's about confidence in who you  and serve as peer advisors offering  sale  with 60% of the sale returning
          mands of our consumers and of our  are  and  frugally  and  fashionably  encouragement   and  suggestions.  to  the  artist.  T-shirts,  socks,  post-
          communities.  We  will  continue  to  sharing  it  with  the  world,”  said  This studio and gallery will become  cards,  and  calendars  will  also  be
          meet  those  demands,”  said  Brent  Leah  Paige Cooley, Regional Retail  a   significant   part   of   the  available.
                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · November 2021 · 7
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