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International Film Festival coming in October

          By Sarah Shurge                    the city.                          Great Britain, three films from Rus-  guest  speakers  talking  about  film
             The City of Wayne’s first ever In-  With the concern of COVID, keep-  sia, two films from Ireland, a film  making as well.
          ternational  Film  Festival  is  in  the  ing the community safe is the main  from Iraq, along with a large amount  All plans for the festival will be fi-
          works for residents and the commu-  goal. So they are still looking around  of local films.             nalized at a later date.
          nity to enjoy.                     the city for safe places to display the  The cut-off for submissions was  “We’ve met a wonderful amount of
             “This city is a great city. We need  films.                        August 31st, so McKay still has a de-  people and filmmakers,” said McKay.
          to  create  a  place  for  amazing  art,”  The festival was originally sched-  cent amount of content and films to  “I’m excited to grow the film commu-
          said Antoine McKay, president of the  uled  for  September  9th-12th,  but  go through before the festival.   nity in Michigan and in Wayne, and
          festival.                          has  now  been  moved  to  October   The festival will also have differ-  to hopefully keep this festival going.”
             McKay  and  his  wife,  Michelle  22nd-24th. “We are getting content  ent events throughout the city such  This will be the first International
          McKay, vice president of the festival,  via film or TV that comes from all  as a concert, an improv workshop,  Film  Festival,  but  McKay  hopes  it
          came up with the idea of a festival  over  the  world,”  said  McKay.  “It’s  and  an  award  ceremony  where  will become an annual event where
          about  two  years  ago.  However,  the  opening up a world for people who  awards  will  be  presented  for  best  people will be given opportunities to
          pandemic really sparked their desire  don't get to see this all the time.”  actor/actress, director, and so forth.  display  their  works  of  art  for  the
          to follow through with the idea for   They have received things from  There  could  possibly  be  special  community.
          Wayne Historical Museum receives funding

          By Sarah Shurge
             The mission of the Wayne Histor-
          ical Society is to display, preserve,
          and promote the history of the City
          of Wayne. But what happens when
          the building that is dedicated to pre-
          serving history, is in dire need of re-
             With  holes  in  the  roof,  water
          spots  on  the  carpet,  and  buckets
          strategically  placed  to  catch  water
          leaking from the ceiling, the museum
          desperately needed help.
             “The museum was in need and it
          was worth saving,” said Albert Dami-
          tio, Wayne Historical Society board
          member and former Historical Com-  Councilman Alfred Brock, Mayor John Rhaesa and Wayne County Commissioner Al Haidous with the Wayne Historical Society
          mission Chair. “The County Commis-
          sioner really went to bat for us.”  and Wayne County Commissioner at the announcement of the $191,000 Community Development Block Grant for the museum.
             Damitio,  County  Commissioner  lic. “It's a miracle we were able to get  new furnace.               roof will be done before winter, and
          and former Wayne Mayor Al Haidous,  the grant to be able to preserve our  The grant will also be used to up-  the rest of the projects will be done
          Wayne  Mayor  John  Rhaesa,  City  building the way we need to,” said  date the inside of the museum with  before spring.
          Manager  Lisa  Nocerini,  City  Engi-  Damitio. “That way we can do dis-  new flooring and carpeting.      “This  will  ensure  that  the  mu-
          neer Mike Buiten, Building Inspector  plays for youth groups, schools, and  “This is going to help us preserve  seum stays open for years to come,”
          Paul Vaughn, President of the Society  everyone  to  come  in  and  do  re-  our past and save our future,” said  said Moll.
          Nicole Conklin, and Tyler Moll who  search.”                          Conklin.                             Receiving  the  grant  money  will
          runs the museum, all participated in  The grant will be used for many   The two-story building was con-  also allow the Wayne Historical Soci-
          helping  the  museum  win  a  grant  much-needed repairs to the museum  structed  in  1878  and  maintains  ety  to  plan  for  its  future  in  more
          from Wayne County.                 including repairing the roof and gut-  more than 100 exhibits.       ways than just repairs.
             Due to the great teamwork of so  ters.                               “These  repairs  will  allow  more  “This grant will also allow us to
          many people, the Wayne Historical    “This was a great saving grace,”  presentations and special presenta-  do some money saving, and possibly
          Society won a $191,000 Community   said  Moll,  who  helped  write  the  tions that we can do in the museum.  give us the opportunity to get an on-
          Development Block Grant (CDBG).    grant. “Everything was last done in  Especially for the kids to learn about  hands  director.  That  would  allow
             The CDBG is one of the longest-  1986.  We  have  to  put  out  buckets  the history of the area.” said Damitio.  more hours for the museum to be
          running programs of the U.S. Depart-  when it rains. This will really revamp  The first project on the agenda is  open.” said Damitio.
          ment  of  Housing  and  Urban      the place and give it life for another  replacing the 35 year old roof before  The museum is open Wednesday
          Development (HUD) that funds local  hopefully 50 years.”              winter.                           10  a.m.  -  6p.m.  and  Thursday  10
          community  development  activities    In  order  to  maintain  the  build-  The  county  will  bid  out  all  the  a.m. - 4 p.m..
          such as infrastructure development  ing’s  accurate  structure,  the  grant  projects that need to be done, pick  If you want to learn about events,
          and public facility improvements.   will  also  go  towards  repairing  the  the contractors, and schedule dates.  fundraisers  or  more  information
             The museum was able to receive  brickwork in a historically accurate  Because the county is in charge of  about the museum, you can visit the
          the  grant  because  it's  a  historical  way. Along with replacing the broken  scheduling, there isn’t a set timeline  website  at
          building and is used to help the pub-  air conditioning unit and getting a  for the projects but Moll believes the  toricalsociety. Or call (734)722-0113.
          12 · September 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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