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Garden City Hospital opens Community Health Center

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                            “Since 1947, Garden City Hospi-
             “This  is  a  major  investment  in                                                                  tal has been at the center of the com-
          this community’s health, today as we                                                                    munity, where we work hard to build
          open the brand new Westland Com-                                                                        trust and improve the health of our
          munity Health Center,” said Gover-                                                                      community,” said Saju George, chief
          nor Gretchen Whitmer at the grand                                                                       executive officer, Garden City Hospi-
          opening  and  ribbon-cutting  cere-                                                                     tal.  “With  the  opening  of  the  West-
          mony  of  the  new  health  center  in                                                                  land Community Health Center, we
          Westland.                                                                                               are able to provide expanded access
             The ceremony was on Wednesday,                                                                       to healthcare for the people of West-
          September 1st.                                                                                          land and the neighborhood commu-
             It was a beautiful sunny day. The                                                                    nities.”
          crowd was full of uniforms, scrubs,                                                                        The emergency department will
          white lab coats, suits, and civilians.                                                                  be  staffed  by  emergency  medicine
          Fire engines, ambulances, and news                                                                      trained physicians and experienced
          trucks loaded the parking lot.                                                                          staff.
             “It’s a pretty exciting day. We ap-  Governor Gretchen Whitmer speaks at the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new health  “This  team  has  been  nationally
          preciate the investment, we appreci-                                                                    recognized for their clinical expertise
          ate the jobs,” said Westland Mayor  center in Westland. Photo courtesy of WLND                          and patient safety for good reason.
          Bill Wild. “This is the Westland Shop  “The City of Westland, a lot of peo-  care and services in one convenient  They put Michiganers first and they
          and Dine District. We’re right next to  ple may not realize, but we’re actu-  location, close to home.    save lives,” said Governor Whitmer.
          City Hall. So, there’s a lot of changes  ally the largest city in Michigan that  The new health center houses a  Special thanks were given at the
          in the future for this area and Gar-  did not have a hospital in our bor-  free-standing  emergency  depart-  ceremony  to  Regional  CEO  Saju
          den  City  Hospital’s  going  to  be  a  ders. So we were always looking to  ment, an outpatient family medicine  George and his team at Garden City
          major part of that.”               bring a medical facility in our town  clinic, physical therapy clinic, outpa-  Hospital, Westland Mayor Bill Wild
             The $10 million state-of-the-art  that could help our residents,” said  tient radiology services, lab services,  and his team, Wayne County Execu-
          facility is located on Warren Road in  Mayor Wild.                    and multi-specialty physician offices.  tive Warren Evans, the Garden City
          Westland, where David’s Bridal and    The Westland Community Health     The  facility  is  owned  and  oper-  Hospital staff, Prime Healthcare for
          Malarkey's Irish Pub formerly were  Center offers Westland access to a  ated by the team at Garden City Hos-
          located.                           wide range of high-quality medical  pital.                                        See Health, page 15

          8 · September 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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