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HALL of FAME, Continued from page 3                                                                     sars from 1977 through 1979, and
                                                                                                                  then,  in  1980,  the  team  became
          right up the road to Eastern Michi-                                                                     known  as  the  Detroit  Auto  Kings.
          gan University, where you were voted                                                                    And  I  was  the  player  manager  in
          a captain in both baseball and bas-                                                                     1980.
          ketball during your senior year. You
          were then named All-Conference in                                                                          CC: Now,  in  the  midst  of  all  of
          baseball  in  1964  and  1965—and                                                                       this, you become a father! Tell me
          your batting average for three years                                                                    about your family.
          at Eastern was .400. How did you                                                                           MG: I am just so thankful for my
          balance it all—academic and athlet-                                                                     wife, Doris—and the kids, Lori and
          ics?                                                                                                    Sheri,  who  were  at  most  of  the
             MG:  It  wasn’t  easy.  I  was  also                                                                 games. They mean the world to me.
          commuting  from  Wayne  the  whole                                                                      So, it wasn’t like I was away from my
          time. I think I did more studying on                                                                    family during those times. Even on
          the road trips while I was on the bus                                                                   road-trips,  they  went  on  a  lot  of
          than I did any other time. Another                                                                      those. I’m sure people do realize that
          key factor in the balancing act was                                                                     there are a lot of things that become
          that I got married in the midterm of                                                                    important in people’s lives, and un-
          junior year, and that made a big dif-                                                                   fortunately, the most important thing
          ference. Eight o’clock you start your                                                                   doesn’t always get the time or prior-
          classes, then you go right to practice,                                                                 ity from the father that they should.
          you get done with practice, and then                                                                    It’s hard to express what my wife and
          you come home and it’s seven-thirty                                                                     kids mean to me. Doris had to give
          or eight o’clock at night. There was  Mike Gouin’s uniform on display at the Softball Hall of Fame.     up a lot of things [to support my soft-
          not much time to study.            while I was playing.               four  former  Detroit  Tigers,  Jim  ball career]. Family is the most im-
                                                                                Northrup,  Norman  Cash,  Mickey  portant thing. When people are on
             CC: But then, a big change: You    CC: Let’s get something out of the  Stanley and Jim Price.        their death bed, they don’t think, I
          begin  playing  softball  during  the  way for those who may not be famil-                              wish I had more money in my check-
          summer  while  in  college.  Why  the  iar with both games: How does soft-  CC: Which professional softball  ing account or I wish I had a bigger
          switch?                            ball differ from baseball?         teams have you’ve played for?
             MG: At that time, I was married,   MG: The main difference is that   MG: I played for the Detroit Cae-      See Hall of Fame, page 5
          and  I  needed  to  generate  some  in-  softball is slow-pitch—not fast-pitch.
          come  to  help  during  the  summer.  Therefore, you don’t have to worry
          Doris was working and trying to sup-  about not being able to hit a curve-
          port us. So, I was working at that  ball. The other big difference, to me,
          time with the City of Wayne’s Parks  is that softball has a lot more action,
          and Recreation Department. I would  it’s faster, and you have to be a better
          work from eight o’clock in the morn-  defensive and more complete player.
          ing doing different things, and then
          at night I was running the softball   CC: How did you get the opportu-
          fields, where the games were played  nity to play professionally?
          in  Wayne.  I  was  there  until  about  MG: I had been successful play-
          eleven-thirty  at  night  five  days  a  ing  for  the  Little  Caesars  amateur
          week. So, the bottom line is, I didn’t  team.    When  Mike  Ilitch  formed  a
          have  time  to  play  baseball  some-  team to join the pro league in 1977 I
          where—I  played  softball  because  I  was recruited along with several of
          could play right there at the field. My  my teammates.  Mr. Ilitch recruited
          wife would run the concession stand  four players from other states and

          4 · June 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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