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HALL of FAME, Continued from page 4  church—I was raised Catholic. But I  I was born again and immediately re-  everyone  in  his  image  and  we  are
                                             was like most people: How can you  pented and surrendered my life to  called to love our neighbors as we
                                             know what’s going to happen after  the Lord Jesus Christ.  The peace  love ourselves.
          car. No, they think about the people
          in their life. And when you pass on,  you  die.    Most  people  don’t  think  and joy that flooded by soul was in-
          there’s nothing else you can do to ex-  about that for a myriad of reasons.  describable.    Our  God  is  an  awe-  CC:  How  many  years  have  you
          press your love for the people you  The bottom line was, I was looking  some God.  I now look at people with  been married to Doris? What would
          care about. We need to do it while  for an answer to spiritual questions.  the understanding that God created  you  say  held  you  two  together  all
          we’re here.                                                                                             these years?
                                                                                                                     MG: Fifty-eight years. And I’ve got
             CC: As  the  grandfather  of  four                                                                   two  things:  Number  one,  it’s  our
          grandchildren—three grandsons and                                                                       faith,  and  we  both  have  a  priority
          one granddaughter, what would you                                                                       that the Lord is more important to
          say is the pinnacle of having them in                                                                   us  than  anything.  But  the  second
          your life?                                                                                              thing is that marriage is going to be
             MG:  It’s  almost  like…I  never                                                                     full of arguments, right? If you marry
          thought I could love anyone as much                                                                     someone, you’re going to argue. And,
          as  my  wife  and  my  kids,  but  my                                                                   sadly, that sometimes escalates to di-
          grandkids…I love them every bit as                                                                      vorce. But the one thing I’ve learned
          much.                                                                                                   about  arguments  is  that  you  can’t
                                                                                                                  meet  half-way.  There’s  no  middle
             CC: You say that you’ve learned a                                                                    ground. What you have to realize is
          lot in your latter years of life. How                                                                   that you have to swallow your pride.
          so?                                                                                                     You don’t need to stand on the moun-
             MG:  I  was  39  when  my  life                                                                      tain over every minor issue in life.
          changed. I had just retired from play-                                                                  You’ve got to be able to humble your-
          ing ball and for the first time, I didn’t                                                               self enough to let it go.
          have that anchor of sports. And I did-
          n’t think about it that way at the time,                                                                   CC:  What  did  family  life,  ulti-
          but as I look back on it, I always felt                                                                 mately, teach you?
          something was missing in my life. I                                                                        MG: It’s not all about me.  Putting
          didn’t know what it was. I just knew  In 1989 Gouin was inducted into the National Softball Hall of Fame located in Okla-  others, especially family first is the
          I didn’t feel fulfilled. I had gone to  homa City, OK.                                                  key to true happiness.

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · June 2022 · 5
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