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9th annual holiday meals for military members program

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         vember 19th, between 10 a.m. and 1
             When we think of Thanksgiving,                                                                       p.m. at the Wayne Ford Civic League
          we  tend  to  think  of  food,  family,                                                                 on Wayne Road in Westland.
          friends, or even football, but do you                                                                      If for any reason you are unable
          think of our veterans?                                                                                  to  pick  up  your  meal  during  the
             It’s  important  to  give  thanks  to                                                                scheduled day or hours of pickup,
          our  veterans.  That’s  why  Westland                                                                   contact the Wayne Ford Civic League
          Mayor Bill Wild, Wayne Mayor John                                                                       at (734)728-5010 and you can sched-
          Rhaesa,  Wayne-Ford  Civic  League                                                                      ule a home delivery. Assistance, spe-
          President Vic Barra, and Elected Of-                                                                    cial  arrangements,  or  delivery
          ficials  are  coming  together  for  the                                                                options are available. Westland Com-
          9th Annual Holiday Meals for Wayne-                                                                     munity Police Officers will be deliver-
          Westland  veterans  and  active-duty                                                                    ing meals to veterans.
          families.                                                                                                  “We make sure everyone gets their
             “This is not a needy-veterans pro-                                                                   meal  if  they  sign  up  for  it,”  said
          gram,  this  is  a  thank-you-for-your-                                                                 Barra.
          service program,” said Barra. “This                                                                        Barra has been involved with the
          is a meal provided by your commu-                                                                       program  since  day  one  when  it
          nity in gratitude for your service.”                                                                    started nine years ago.
             The program is for Wayne-West-                                                                          After retiring from Ford in 2019,
          land  veterans,  surviving  spouses,                                                                    Barra accepted the Director position
          and families of active- duty service  Veterans will receive a free holiday turkey with all the fixings.   under Mayor Wild. He also holds the
          members. All you have to do is regis-
          ter and then you will receive a free  they are planning for 400 meals this
          meal.                              year.
             “We want veterans to get appreci-  The meal is completely free, all
          ation and pick up the meal even if  you have to do is register using one
          they don’t need it. They can give it  of the four following methods:
          away  to  someone  that  does,”  said  #1: You can register online with
          Barra. “Whether you eat it or give it  the  online  form  at  cityofwest-
          away, it doesn't matter. We just want
          to say thank you.”                 Military-Members-Progr
             When  the  program  originally     #2: You can call the Mayor's Of-
          started  nine  years  ago,  they  were  fice at either: Mayor Wild's Office at
          only passing out 30 frozen turkeys  (734)467-3200  or  Mayor  Rhaesa's
          from the trunk of their car. However,  Office at (734)722-2000.
          it quickly grew to supply an entire   #3:  You  can  download  the  Vet-
          meal so veterans can invite their fam-  eran's  Registration  Form  from  the
          ily or friends over to eat with them.   website listed above, fill it out, and  Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa, Superintendent of the Wayne Westland Community
             Once  registered,  recipients  will  email the completed form to either:
          receive a (12-16 pound) turkey, stuff-  Mayor  Wild  at  mayor@cityofwest-  Schools John Dignan and Westland Mayor Bill Wild, with boxes of holiday meals at
          ing,  mashed  potatoes  and  gravy,  or  Mayor  Rhaesa  at  last year’s event.
          sweet  potatoes,  corn,  green  beans,       City Hall building.               title of Veteran Affairs Liaison. Barra
          cranberry sauce, and heat and serve   #4:  Or  you  can  pick  up  a  Vet-  Applications must be submitted  is a veteran himself. He joined the
          rolls for a family of 6-8 people.   eran’s Registration Form at the West-  no  later  than  noon  on  Wednesday,  U.S. Air Force in 1977. Now, Barra
             267 meal packages were handed   land City Hall Greeter Station and  November  16th,  to  receive  a  com-  manages all things veteran that go
          out in 2020, 348 meals in 2021, and  drop the completed form off at either  plete Holiday Meal for free.  through City Hall.
                                                                                  If you are interested in donating  “Giving back to the community is
                                                                                to   the   cause,   please   visit:  what I do,” said Barra. “This meal is
                                                                       The cut-off for  a form of appreciation that's tangible.
                                                                                donations is November 16th at the  It's nice to hear thank you for your
                                                                                end of the registration period.   service.”
                                                                                  The John Glenn Junior Varsity      Westland Mayor Bill Wild, Wayne
                                                                                Football team and Kronk Gym will  Mayor John Rhaesa, and Barra cre-
                                                                                be volunteering staff for pre-packag-  ated  a  promotional  video  for  the
                                                                                ing the meals. There will also be vol-  meal program. You can find it on the
                                                                                unteers  from  the  Westland  Rotary,  City of Westland’s Youtube page.
                                                                                Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post  “This is a great program. I’ve met
                                                                                9885  Auxiliary,  Taylor  Towers  ad-  veterans in the past that have used it
                                                                                ministrative staff, and many other in-  and  were  very  appreciative,”  said
                                                                                dividuals.                        Mayor Rhaesa. “I’m glad we are able
                                                                                  Veterans,  active-duty  service  to give back to the people that have
                                                                                members and/or their families can  served our country.”
                                                                                pick up their meal on Saturday, No-
                                                                                                               The Wayne Dispatch · November 2022 · 7
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