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Boxing’s “First Lady” training in Norwayne

          By Courtney Conover
             It’s as if the earliest years of Ce-
          cilia Braekhus’s childhood prepared
          her for her life’s profession.
             “I was born in Columbia and grew
          up  in  a  foster  home  before  I  was
          adopted   in   Norway,”   explains
          Braekhus, a world-class boxer who
          reigned  as  the  undisputed  female
          welterweight champion from 2014 to
          2020. “I think when your first years
          in life happen to be quite the fight
          and struggle, it definitely prepares
          you  for  being  a  fighter  throughout
          your life.”
             Not  that  the  remainder  of  her
          childhood would totally be defined
          by hardship and strife, however.
             It was the opposite.
             “[I lived] in a very quiet, nice area  World Champions Milton McCrory, Cecilia Braekhus and Johnathon Banks talk to the amateur boxers at the Kronk Gym.
          in the city of Bergen, and I had a very  Records  awarded  her  three  distin-  soul of Norway.”        that discipline and focus indeed pay
          privileged   upbringing,”   says   guished  recognitions:  the  longest  The chances are good that when  off.
          Braekhus,  who  is  fluent  in  Norwe-  reigning  female  boxing  champion,  Braekhus  takes  her  next  trip  Says Braekhus, “I think it’s im-
          gian, German, and English. “It was a  the longest reign as a four-belt undis-  through the mountains, she’ll do so  portant that women and girls know
          contrast to my first years in life.”  puted  boxing  champion,  and  the  with another win under her belt.  that  we  see  the  hard  work.  I  just
             Her relocation to Norway would  most bouts undefeated by a female    Braekhus’s professional journey  want to say, ‘Take your place.’ It is
          afford Braekhus the opportunity to  world champion boxer.             thus far is yet another example for  your rightful place. Don’t let anyone
          pinpoint her calling.                 Currently, Braekhus is training in  young athletes—particularly female—  tell you something else.”
             She started kickboxing at age 14,  Metro Detroit—and here in the City
          and after she became a world cham-  of Wayne—for an upcoming fight this
          pion in the sport, she looked around  November.   In   the   meantime,
          and wondered what was next.        Braekhus will remain ready for com-
             Enter boxing.                   petition  under  the  direction  of
             In her early twenties, she moved  Johnathon  Banks,  the  renowned
          to  Germany  to  pursue  boxing  and  boxing trainer who has worked with
          signed with the country’s biggest pro-  a variety of well-known talents, in-
          motional  company,  Sauerland  Pro-  cluding two-time world heavyweight
          motions.                           champion Wladimir Klitschko.
             “I  was  the  first  girl  there,”  “For years, I traveled with the Kl-
          Braekhus,  41,  remembers.  “I  was  itschko  team—and  trained  with
          the only girl there.”              them  in  their  camps—all  over  the
             At the time, the company repre-  world, from Miami to Austria,” says
          sented 15 male fighters, and the ma-  Braekhus. “It was an amazing expe-
          jority  of  the  company’s  staff  was  rience.”
          male  as  well.  So,  the  company  de-  And this isn’t the first time boxing
          cided to honor Braekhus’s presence  has led Braekhus to Detroit.
          with an apropos nickname.             She says, “Johnathon Banks is an
             “They  started  calling  me  ‘The  incredible trainer, and when he in-
          First Lady,’” she says.            vited me to come to Detroit and train
             The name stuck. And in keeping  many  years  ago,  I,  of  course,  said
          with her nickname, Braekhus would  yes. And now I’m back.”
          go on to amass a collection of titles  Following  November’s  match,
          and accolades.                     Braekhus hopes to return home to
             She’s  the  first  woman  in  any  Norway in time for Christmas. And
          weight class to hold World Boxing As-  when in Norway, she will do as Nor-
          sociation (WBA), World Boxing Coun-  wegians do.
          cil  (WBC),  International  Boxing   “Everybody goes hiking on Sun-
          Federation (IBF), and World Boxing  day morning…everyone,” she says. It
          Organization (WBO) titles simultane-  doesn’t matter if it rains, snows, or
          ously. She’s one of only 11 boxers in  whatever.  Every  child  in  Norway
          history—female or male—to hold all  grows up this way. It’s a country of
          four  major  world  titles  simultane-  mountains—with fresh air and beau-
          ously. And in 2018 Guinness World  tiful nature. Hiking on Sunday is the
          8 · November 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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