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Concerts in Goudy Park return to Downtown Wayne

          By Sarah Shurge
             Have you patiently been waiting
          for free concerts in Goudy Park to re-
          turn to downtown Wayne? If so, get
          ready because they are finally back!
          Each show will be Wednesday night
          at 7:30 p.m. at Goudy Park, located
          at 3355 S. Wayne Rd.
             There will be no bleacher seating
          this  year,  so  bring  your  own  lawn
          chairs or blanket to sit on.
             The dates of the concerts are as
          follows: August 9th is Itchycoo Park.
          August 16th is Your Generation in
          Concert.  August  23rd  is  Thunder-
          struck. And last but not least, August
          30th is Power Play.

          August 9th,
          Itchycoo Park will be
          performing Woodstock Era
             The  6-piece  band  performs
          music from the 60’s and beyond, fea-
          turing  the  Beatles,  Stones,  Kinks,
          Hollies,  and  so  much  more.  The
          group  was  created  by  drummer                                     Thunderstruck from Cleveland, Ohio will perform an AC/DC Tribute on August 23rd.
          Robert Lincoln Lewis. Lead vocalist
          Marlow Ray Morgan was the winner      For more information about Your  is also the only AC/DC tribute band  4’s Best Local Band contest: 2015,
          of the Dr. Pepper Vocal Competition.   Generation in Concert, visit yourgen-  in the United States to have a major  2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022.
             For more information about Itchy-, or find them  national  brand  sponsor,  which  is  And winner of Local 4’ Best Cover
          coo  Park,  visit  itchycooparkmichi-  on Facebook by searching Your Gen-  Number Juan Tequila.         Band  contest:  2018,  2019,  and
, or find them on Facebook  eration in Concert, Twitter by search-  For  more  information  about  2022. For more information about
          at   ing   @YourGeneration_      and   Thunderstruck,   visit   thunder-  Power  Play,  visit  powerplaydetroit-
                                             Instagram by searching @yourgener-, or find them on Face-  .com,  contact  powerplaydetroit-
                                             ation_.  Both Itchycoo Park and Your  book by searching Thunderstruck:, or call (734) 968-8068.
          August 16th,                       Generation in Concert are returning  America's AC/DC Tribute and Insta-  Major sponsors of the events are:
          Your Generation in                 bands that performed at Goudy Park  gram  by  searching  @official_thun-  Rotary Club of Wayne, Wayne Down-
          Concert will perform               last summer.                       derstruckus.                      town Development Authority, City of
          The World’s Greatest                                                  August 30th,                      Wayne,  Wayne  County  Community
                                                                                                                  College District, Wayne Westland Fed-
          Tribute Band.                      August 23rd,                                                         eral  Credit  Union,  Professional  In-
             The 8-piece band transports the  Thunderstruck will                Power  Play  will  perform        surance  Associates,  Jack  Demmer
          audience on a musical tour celebrat- perform an AC/DC Tribute. classic rock, pop, country,              Ford, Mark Chevrolet, and Corewell
          ing five decades of pop, rock, dance,  Thunderstruck: America's AC/DC  Motown, and rock.                Health.
          and R&B hits. The group has shared  officially  established  in  2015  and  Power  Play  Detroit  has  opened  Bring a friend, bring your family,
          stages with Lenny Kravitz, Flo Rida,  has performed tribute shows with a  for national acts such as Jimmy Buf-  or come by yourself, just be sure to
          Jason Derulo, The Billy Joel Band,  consistent record of sold out shows  fet, The Romantics, and 38 Special.  come to Goudy Park on Wednesday
          Sheryl Crow, and more.             from coast-to-coast.  Thunderstruck  They were voted the winner of Local  nights and enjoy the shows!
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · August 2023 · 3
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