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Summer Break Mode: On!

          Former Wayne-Westland Community School District teacher and school board

          member Tom Buckalew talks classroom etiquette, life lessons, and vacation plans

          By Courtney Conover                                                                                     fore they discovered how bad I was.
             Having retired from teaching in                                                                      So,  primarily,  I  taught  11th  grade
          2009,  Tom  Buckalew  has  become                                                                       history  until  they  moved  the  pro-
          well accustomed to having free time                                                                     gram to the 10th grade. And, on and
          on his hands.                                                                                           off,  I  taught  an  English  class  here
             But that’s not to say he’s idle—far                                                                  and  there  along  the  way—and  I
          from it.                                                                                                taught  some  other  social  studies
             On  tap  for  Buckalew,  78,  is  a                                                                  courses.
          summer brimming with the kind of                                                                           CC: What was the absolute best
          activity that fuels the soul.                                                                           thing about being a teacher?
             “We’ll be doing some landscaping                                                                        TB: You know, there are always
          work on our yard—something that’s                                                                       those kids who give you trouble, but
          long overdue,” begins Buckalew, “I                                                                      by and large, it was the kids [that
          golf  with  a  group  of  former  teach-                                                                were the best part]. They keep you
          ers—we’ve kind of formed an infor-                                                                      young. I really enjoyed working with
          mal  golf  league—and  we  try  to  get                                                                 the  kids.  There  are  always  bad
          out twice a week, so that’s going to                                                                    days—you know that. But there were
          be an important part of my summer,                                                                      so many more good days.
          and then my wife and I hope to take                                                                        CC:  What  was  the  absolute
          a couple of mini vacations around                                                                       worst?
          the state—the UP, see the Pictured                                                                         TB: I could point to a problem I
          Rocks, or go over on the west side to                                                                   had with an administrator, or a prob-
          Grand  Rapids  and  see  the  Meijer                                                                    lem  I  had  with  a  member  of  the
          Gardens…there  are  so  many  won-                                                                      staff—a  couple,  in  fact.  But  those
          derful places.”                    Tom Buckalew with his wife Claudia and his family at his last school board meeting.    were incidents. I’m not sure I could
             In short, this is what retirement                                                                    point to a bad thing. A friend of mine
          should  look  like.  And  it’s  well-de-  different  than  the  summers  when  grade,  my  teachers  always  kept  a  once said, “I come to school every
          served.                            you were teaching…                 couple history books that they would  day with a plan, and I try to achieve
             This  chapter  of  Buckalew’s  life  Tom  Buckalew: Well,  for  so  let  students  borrow—there  was  a  what’s on that plan.” And I thought,
          story comes after decades of service  many years, I always looked forward  Davy  Crockett  book,  an  Abraham  What a wonderful way to summarize
          within  the  field  of  education  and,  to summer because it is a change of  Lincoln  book…I  got  to  take  those  what to do. And I’ve kind of stolen
          most notably, Wayne-Westland Com-  pace,  and  you’re  out  of  the  class-  home. And they instilled in me the  that line from him. Now, I didn’t al-
          munity  Schools.  Upon  graduating  room.  But  I  always  worked  in  the  idea that I really liked history, or at  ways get everything done. But that is
          high school from Flint Central High  summer.  I  had  a  job  one  summer  least the biography part. Other disci-  what  I  tried  to  do.  The  day  of  a
          School in Flint, Michigan, in 1963,  putting  new  drive  lines  in  car  plines, not so much. So, I followed  teacher is filled with teachable mo-
          Buckalew entered Eastern Michigan  washes.  We would dig ‘em out and  through with it and took all the his-  ments.
          University where he earned a Bache-  pour the concrete for the new drive  tory I could in high school. And then,  CC:  What  is  your  biggest  pet-
          lor of Science and master’s degree  line; for a couple of years, I worked  in  college,  I  always  chose  history  peeve regarding poor classroom eti-
          before  obtaining  an  education  spe-  in a small steel factory; but mostly, I  when I had an elective opportunity.    quette?
          cialist certificate from Wayne State  taught  driver’s  education.  I  had  a  CC:  But  the  sport  of  wrestling  TB:  While  I  was  on  the  school
          University.  After  completing  a  stu-  summer job into the mid-90s. So, I  played a part, too, right?   board, I went back [to Glenn] to visit,
          dent teaching assignment at South  didn’t start taking the summers off  TB: In high school, I was blessed  and I saw some kids standing in the
          Junior High in Allen Park, Buckalew,  until [approximately] 1992.     to have a wonderful gentleman as my  hall with a teacher…and they were
          a self-professed “GM boy from Flint,”  CC: Let’s rewind and go all the  wrestling  coach.  And  I  was  so  im-  on their cellphones. I was internally
          spent  his  entire  teaching  career—  way back to the beginning. Tell me  pressed by what he did and how he  going  ballistic—until  the  teacher
          which consisted of an impressive 41  about the start of your adventure in  moved and acted that I really wanted  pulled out his cellphone! And it was
          years—at John Glenn High School.   teaching.                          to be a teacher. And a coach.     permissible.  It  was  something  I
             “It was a fantastic place,” he re-  TB: In 1967 and 1968, I had an   CC: How long have you lived in  wasn’t prepared to see. It wasn’t like
          members of his nearly four-decade  opportunity to do two things: I was a  the City of Wayne?            they were doing anything wrong—it
          tenure in Rocket country.          student  teacher  in  Allen  Park—at  TB:  I  lived  in  Westland  for  20  was between classes, and they were
             Buckalew recently led The Wayne  South Junior High—and at the same  years, and this is our 35th year in  permitted  to  do  it.  But  in  my  day,
          Dispatch  on  a  trip  down  Memory  time, I coached wrestling at Ypsilanti  Wayne.                     which wasn’t too many days or years
          Lane while also providing a glimpse  Lincoln. So that was kind of my first  CC: John Glenn is where you of-  earlier than that, oh, no, you couldn’t
          of what his future has in store.   introduction to the profession.    ficially  started—and  where  you  re-  have  a  cellphone.  So,  as  times
                                                CC: What  prompted  you  to  be-  tired. But did you always teach solely  change, you either have issues—or
             Courtney  Conover: Your  plans  come a teacher in the first place?  history/social studies?          you have to change with the times.
          for this summer sound lovely. But     TB: I always wanted to be one, re-  TB: I was hired to teach English,
          I’m guessing this summer looks a lot  ally. When I was in the 4th or 5th  but I got out of that very quickly—be-  See Buckalew, page 11
          4 · August 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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