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Second grade student adopts

          his entire school for Christmas

          By Sarah Shurge
             Christmas is the time for giving.
          But  what  happens  when  bills  are
          tight and you can’t afford a Christ-
          mas gift for your child? What hap-
          pens when you need some help?
             Krista Poole and her three chil-
          dren have taken it upon themselves
          to  spread  Christmas  cheer  in  the
          most special way.
             Poole’s  youngest  son,  Derrick
          Howard, Taft-Galloway Elementary
          second  grade  student,  decided  to
          adopt his entire school for the holi-
          days. He wanted to ensure that all of
          his friends, classmates, and peers re-
          ceived a gift for the holidays.
             “Our original goal was to adopt
          four families,” said Poole. “I work for
          a  community  organization  and
          started telling people what me and
          my kids were going to do.”                                            Krista Poole and her son, Derrick Howard (left) and some of the donated toys for
             Poole  met  someone  that  was                                     the students at Taft-Galloway Elementary.
          going to pick up toys in a collabora-
          tion with the Take One Community                “There were times that Christmas almost didn't happen for us.
          Program in Pontiac and they invited
          Poole to pick up toys every weekend.      We’ve struggled. But I am at the point in my life now that I can help out.
             “Every weekend my van would be
          just packed with stuff,” said Poole.         I want to give back, I’ve been on the other side. It’s hard when you
             Poole’s workplace, Forgotten Har-
          vest, began to contribute to the cause                  don’t have help and you don’t know where to go.”
          and  then  more  and  more  people
          began donating toys.                                                        Krista Poole
             “It got to the point where my son
          looked at all the toys and said ‘that’s  “The  day  before  we  took  every-  she stated that people started reach-  to take home,” said Howard. “Every-
          enough to give one to everyone at my  thing to the school, I had a moment  ing  out  that  they  needed  toys  too.  body gets a toy and family joy.”
          school’,” said Poole.              where I sat on the couch and looked  She even provided toys for a family  Now  that  the  toys  have  been
             So that’s exactly what they did.   at everything and I was so proud of  in Alabama.                  handed  out  and  the  remaining
             “There are about 420 kids at Taft  everything we did,” said Poole.   “My favorite part was seeing the  amount  of  toys  were  left  at  the
          and  we  had  probably  about  700    This project was very personal to  kids’  reactions  when  they  walked  school, Poole and her family finally
          gifts,” said Poole. “We had everything:  Poole and her family.        into the room. To take that burden  have the time and room to celebrate
          games,  dolls,  trucks,  legos.  When  “There were times that Christmas  off the parents. If you don’t have it, if  the holidays.
          everything was actually laid out, it  almost didn't happen for us. We’ve  you  can’t  provide,  that’s  a  burden  “Everything was centered around
          was amazing to see.”               struggled. But I am at the point in  and  it’s  not  a  good  feeling,”  said  this. We sacrificed for this. We didn’t
             Poole  and  her  three  children:  my  life  now  that  I  can  help  out.  I  Poole. “It’s ok to ask for help. It takes  even have the tree up until December
          Howard,  daughter,  Kamaria  Tram-  want to give back,” said Poole. “I’ve  a  village.  Our  job  is  to  help  each  23rd because we didn’t have room in
          ble, and oldest son, Demari Tramble  been  on  the  other  side.  It’s  hard  other and not turn our backs on peo-  our  living  room  with  all  the  toys
          were  all  involved  with  the  project,  when you don’t have help and you  ple in need.”               everywhere,” said Poole.
          and passed out the toys on Thursday,  don’t know where to go.”          Wayne-Westland     Community       Poole  and  her  family  plan  on
          December 22nd.                        Giving back and helping people is  Schools  shared  the  story  about  making  this  toy  drive  an  annual
             “It was such a surreal feeling. My  a large part of Poole’s life.   Howard adopting his school for the  thing. “I had someone mention they
          daughter  almost  cried  a  couple    “At  my  job,  I  make  sure  that  holidays on their Facebook page and  wanted to sign a warehouse for next
          times,” said Poole. “She is 18 and  churches and soup kitchens receive  the post received over 650 reactions  year and pay for it, so we can store
          had the idea to adopt some senior  food. We fed over a million people  and over 100 shares. One share was  toys there,” said Poole.
          citizens' homes too.”              last year,” said Poole. “Majority of my  from the Wayne, Michigan Adminis-  If you want to support the cause,
             The family had all the toys sorted  life is giving back.”          tration Community Updates page.   donate toys, or get involved in any
          out and displayed on tables for the   Poole  had  posted  on  Facebook  “It felt good. My favorite part was  way, you can contact Poole by email
          kids.                              that her son adopted his school and  that everybody in my school got a toy  at

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · January 2023 · 3
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