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Greater Dreams Church celebrates 15 year anniversary

          By Sarah Shurge                                                       people before him.”               the mists of it.”
             To some, a job is just a job. It’s                                   Taking care of the building isn’t  Mack has his doctorate in theol-
          how you make money to pay for your                                    always easy, but getting the church  ogy  and  is  currently  finishing  his
          bills. It’s how you spend eight hours                                 running wasn’t easy either.       PhD in life coaching.
          of your day, then you clock out and                                     “When we first got the building,   “Education  is  important  to  me,
          go about your life. To others, it can                                 the city didn't approve of the build-  but it doesn’t take education to be
          have  a  different  meaning.  A  job  is                              ing.  So, we had church three weeks  successful or impactful,” said Pastor
          your passion and what you dream                                       in a row at the park until the city ap-  Mack. “I want to know the scripture
          about.                                                                proved,” said Pastor Mack.        and help people articulate it. I really
             Larry Mack was in his mid-twen-                                      During COVID, Mack was able to  believe in pouring into people. Giv-
          ties when he had a dream to start a                                   purchase  the  building.  Since  the  ing  people  advice  on  mistakes  I've
          church.  That  church,  Greater                                       building was closed with no in-per-  made.”
          Dreams Church, just celebrated its                                    son  services,  they  were  able  to  re-  Pastors  are  just  regular  people.
          15 year anniversary this past year.                                   model  the  building,  which  they  They aren’t perfect, they make mis-
             “I love our church. I love pastor-                                 wouldn’t have been able to if in-per-  takes,  they  go  through  hardships,
          ing these people. Especially after the                                son services were happening.      and most importantly, they feel pain
          15 year celebration. It was really a                                    “I always keep my trust in God. I  too.
          blessing,” said Larry Mack, bishop                                    didn’t have a plan B. My whole life is  “When I went through a divorce, I
          and  pastor  of  Greater  Dreams                                      wrapped  around  what  I’m  doing,”  was preaching with a broken heart
          Church.                                                               said Pastor Mack.                 for many years. Going through that
             Mack was hesitant at first on hav-  Pastor Larry Mack and his wife Regina.  However, being a pastor wasn’t al-  rough period was a blessing to me,”
          ing  the  anniversary  party,  but  his  Pastor Mack. “It caused me to reflect  ways his original plan.   said  Pastor  Mack.  “When  Regina
          wife,  Regina  Mack,  convinced  him  over the years on times when things  Mack originally was in the med-  came into my life, she helped me and
          otherwise.                         were tight. We had a lot of time when  ical field and part of the military. He  inspired me. She really centered me.
             “My wife Googled why you should  we went without. My ministry always  served in the United States Army for  She makes things better.”
          celebrate things like this. It said it en-  came first.”              three years and the Army National    Regina is the assistant pastor at
          courages  pastors  and  lets  them    Mack started his church on Sun-  Guard for five years. His last year in  Greater Dreams Church. She does
          know  they  are  loved,”  said  Pastor  day, April 29th, 2007, in the Canton  the military, he was a Combat Medic  most  of  the  church  planning  and
          Mack. “She said we should celebrate  Emagine Theater.                 and  Command  Sergeant  Major     deals with the church paperwork.
          milestones.”                         “I spent a great deal of time pray-  Driver.                          Mack  and  Regina  have  a  son,
             Greater Dreams Church had not   ing and getting the word out there in  “I  spent  a  lot  of  time  in  prayer  Ethan Nicholas, whom they adopted
          celebrated any anniversaries prior to  regard to our church,” said Mack.   until one morning when I was 23, I  when he was 4 days old. Mack also
          this. The event took three months to  Greater  Dreams  Church  is  the  felt God speak to me and call me to  has  two  daughters,  Micaiah  and
          plan, and due to short notice, they  first  church  Mack  started  on  his  become a pastor,” said Pastor Mack.  Mariah, from his previous marriage.
          weren’t able to invite everyone they  own. He had saved $13,000 of his  Mack has now been in ministry      “The  process  that  God  put  me
          wanted.                            own money and after returning from  for 33 years.                    through  to  get  to  this  stage,  we’re
             “Being a senior pastor, I went in  a trip to Mexico, received a $10,000  Throughout the years, Mack has  just  getting  started,”  said  Pastor
          kicking  and  screaming  because  I  check from a fellow minister, Elijah  spoken at many conferences, went  Mack. “I want to be more effective. I
          don't  like  special  treatment,”  said  Smith.                       on missionary trips, has ministries  want to get a more effective building
          Pastor Mack. “Seeing that we made     With a $23,000 check, Mack was  in Africa, and hosted five television  for what we do. I’m very grateful for
          it through COVID, while a lot of min-  able to get the church started. About  shows on Total Christian Television  where we are but we’re looking for-
          istries globally did not make it, made  12  years  ago,  they  moved  to  the  (TCT),  which  has  reached  172  na-  ward to making a stronger impact
          me feel like God’s hand was with us.”  building in Wayne and started doing  tions for 19 years. He has a ministry  for our city.”
             Greater Dreams’ anniversary was  9 a.m. services.                  in Toledo, Ohio, helped start three  Greater  Dreams  Church  is  lo-
          on April 29th, however, due to vari-  Since then, Mack has always put  churches  (two  of  own),  and  has  a  cated at 35118 W. Michigan Ave in
          ous events throughout the year, the  the  building  and  the  church  first.  ministry  branch  of  city-wide  bible  Downtown Wayne.
          celebrations were held in November.  Even through difficult times.    studies.                             There are currently two Sunday
             “God was in it because it really  “Our praise and worship leader     “I really believe in what I’m doing.  services, one at 9 a.m. and one at 11
          was  awesome,”  said  Regina.  “It  had a heart attack and was out for  Helping  people.  Inspiring  people,”  a.m. There is a noon Bible study of-
          turned out great.”                 nine  months.  He  had  been  there  said  Mack.  “Every  time  someone  fered on Wednesdays and the church
             A  pastor  appreciation  banquet  since the beginning and his salary  comes into the church I want to in-  will  also  be  starting  small  groups
          was  held  on  Saturday,  November  was the main source of income for  spire them to fulfill that thing inside  soon. Services are streamed online.
          19th. Then there was a special serv-  his family. I had to choose between  of them.”                       Every Tuesday the church feeds
          ice at 11 a.m. on Sunday, November  the church, my house, or him,” said  Greater Dreams Church has its  about 100 meals to the needy, and
          20th. A speaker came in from Okla-  Pastor Mack. “I lost my house during  name for a reason.            there are monthly church activities
          homa City, the church received a let-  that  time,  but  I  still  paid  him  the  “Our  goal  is  to  help  people  be-  as well.
          ter from a senator, a letter from the  salary. The building comes first.”  come more Christ-like and to reach  For  more  information  about
          governor,  and  the  mayor  of  Wayne  Mack has a reason behind why he  your God-given dreams,” said Pastor  Greater  Dreams  Church,  you  can
          gave a speech.                     made the decision that he did.     Mack. “We’re all about dreaming the  visit  or
             “It was a beautiful thing. I’m very  “Leaders  eat  last.  That's  one  of  God-dream and teaching people to  call (734)890-1315. For more infor-
          thankful and overwhelmed. It made  the principles I live by, take care of  pray, fulfilling what God put inside  mation  about  Pastor  Mack’s  min-
          me want to be a better pastor, and go  the house first,” said Pastor Mack.  your  heart,  doing  what  you  love  istries,  you  can  visit  larrymack-
          further and be more effective,” said  “Jesus is a servant. He always puts  doing, and partnering with God in
          4 · January 2023 · The Wayne Dispatch
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