1st annual chili cook-off successful

(Left to right) Judges Jeremy Powell, Ashley Pantello, Dan Moris, (People’s Choice Award and Overall Best Chili Award) Michael and Candice Roberts, (Best Wild game Chili) Jeff Little, Christi Powell, (Most Creative Chili) Jason Bates, Jill Winkel and Lenny Powell.
By Carolyn Marnon – It was in the planning for months. Lenny and Christy Powell have stepped up and actively planned many of the events that have taken place in Wayne over the last year. This October, Powell’s Events & More introduced Wayne’s 1st Annual Chili Cook-Off held at HYPE Recreation Center last month.
Lenny had been out actively trying to find community members willing to make a pot of chili for the cook-off since spring. He also contacted numerous fire houses around the area to also participate.
The People’s Choice and Best Overall chili award went to Michael and Candice Roberts. Most Creative chili went to Jill Winkel. Vicky Kelley and Jeff Little won Best Wild Game chili. The Wayne Fire House got Best Firehouse chili and Best Corn Bread.
“It was a great turn out for the 1st annual chili cook-off hosted by Powell’s Events & More. We would like to thank all of our sponsors who donated to make this event possible,” stated Lenny Powell.
“I had a heck of a time judging all the chilis and they were all awesome. Can’t wait for next year’s,” said judge Dan Norris.
Avatte Abu-lawi said, “Thank you Lenny Powell. You are such a great asset to the City of Wayne, and we highly appreciate everything you do.”