Council Chambers repair

Four of the trusses on the City Hall roof have been compromised due to the large amount of snowfall this winter. The council chamber is currently closed while engineers inspect the damage.
By Jenny Johnson –
On March 5 City Hall was evacuated because employees saw smoke coming from a heating duct. While firefighters were investigating the cause of the smoke they noticed damage to the roof above council chambers.
All four trusses that support the roof have some distress in them, from deflection and minor cracks and splitting to a complete fracture in the main truss over the council’s chamber, said Interim City Manager Ramzi El-Gharib.
City Hall reopened for business but the council chambers have been closed while the roof system assessment, design and cost of repairs are being reviewed by a structural engineer.
The damage was caused by the excessive snowfall this winter.
“We don’t currently have any estimate of repairs and or a timetable of when the repairs will be completed,” Gharib said.
City council meetings are currently being held at the Wayne Community Center.