Thank you, Wayne

Wayne Main Street Board Members: Treasurer Cynthia Schofield, Pat Rice, secretary and design committee chair Carolyn Marnon, executive director Lindsey Wooten, president Cindee McClure and Theodora Brooks present property owner Paul Visingardi a check for $9,957.50 as the first recipient of the Wayne Main Street Façade Grant Incentive Program.
By Lindsey Dotson – Dear Wayne Residents:
On Friday, October 14th, I gave my one month notice that I will be leaving my position as Executive Director of Wayne Main Street to accept a position as the Downtown Development Authority/Main Street Director for the City of Charlevoix. My last full day on the job is November 11th. Since it is a requirement of the National Main Street Center to employ a full-time Director a new person will be hired. The job posting for my replacement went out almost immediately with an application deadline of October 28th.
I started here in May of 2014 as the first Director of this exciting new organization and project. After two and a half years of working in this city I am humbled by the community spirit and pride. I have met so many wonderful people – volunteers, business owners/employees, city administration, elected officials, high school students, and more who made this job special to me. Having not grown up in Wayne it was an intimidating role to take on. I had no idea if the community would accept an ‘outsider’ to champion the effort of revitalizing the downtown. Thankfully all of you made me feel welcome here and very much a part of the team. Over the course of time I observed great progress made in building partnerships and focusing the conversation on the importance of our downtown’s economic health. Our victories thus far have meant so much, and it has been wonderful watching this organization become what it is today. It is difficult to walk away, because I know so many great things have yet to happen and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for downtown Wayne.
My experience here certainly prepared me for my next chapter, and my dreams have come true to return to northern Michigan to settle down and build a life with my new husband. I hope the community will welcome the new Executive Director with open arms as you did me and I have faith that 2017 will be another great year in downtown Wayne. Thanks to all for such a great couple of years!
Facade Grant Incentive
Program Expands Boundaries
Wayne Main Street’s Board of Directors recently approved an expansion of the boundaries for businesses that are eligible for the Façade Grant Incentive Program. The Façade Grant program was developed by the Design Committee to help improve the appearance of buildings in Wayne Main Street’s downtown district.
The Façade Grant is funded by Wayne Main Street and reimburses up to 50 percent of the project’s total cost to the recipient. Interested candidates must submit an application to the design committee for review. Grants are provided on a first-approved, first-funded basis. The funding cycle begins on Jan. 1 of every year.
The grant program was created to encourage private investment in historic facades by providing financial incentives. Historically sensitive rehabilitation and dramatic improvement of facades in downtown Wayne will encourage good design that will serve as quality examples to preserve the architectural character that is distinctive to Wayne. By improving the appearance of the building facades, the Program helps to improve the economic viability of the downtown.
Owners of commercial buildings in the Wayne Main Street district, used for commercial purposes, and conforming to zoning use are eligible to apply for grant funds. The approved expansion of the program provides that after June 30 of the current year, owners of buildings adjacent to the Wayne Main Street district and conforming to zoning use are eligible to apply and be considered for funding if money is still available. These applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must adhere to the same guidelines as other applicants.
“This change was made because we had $20,000 budgeted in 2016 to help up to two façade grant applicants with grants of up to $10,000 each. Unfortunately, none of the businesses in our Wayne Main Street district have applied yet. We decided we would broaden our area for this particular grant to possibly help a business that was very close to our district make some improvements in their façade,” said Design Committee Chairperson Carolyn Marnon.
Individuals interested in learning more about the Façade Grant should visit the website,, where the application and more information can be found. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
For more information, contact Wayne Main Street Executive Director at (734) 629-6822 or at