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P. 11

Bionic Zebras set goal to raise $15,000

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       members who helped build it written
             Team 313: The Bionic Zebras of                                                                       in various places.
          Wayne Memorial High School have                                                                            During the six-week building pe-
          set what might seem like a lofty goal                                                                   riod  each  team  is  allowed,  Kaden
          of  raising  $15,000  this  year.  This                                                                 says  the  team  works  on  the  robot
          would  cover  competition  entrance                                                                     from 2:00-8:00 p.m. every day after
          fees,  the  costs  associated  with  de-                                                                school.
          signing, building and programming                                                                          The team is looking for sponsors.
          an industrial-sized robot to use in                                                                     Kaden says they really want to have
          competition, along with other costs                                                                     community sponsors.  They would
          such as travel, food and team shirts.                                                                   be especially grateful if a local busi-
             Kaden  Brown  is  a  sophomore                                                                       ness sponsor was in the STEM (Sci-
          this year. He is the team’s Business                                                                    ence,  Technology,  Engineering  and
          Captain. He has always been inter-                                                                      Math)  field.    They  have  had  bottle
          ested in gadgets. He enjoyed taking                                                                     drives to raise funds. They are cur-
          broken  toys  apart  and  seeing  how                                                                   rently selling Zebra Stock. For $10,
          they  worked.  He  joined  the  Bionic                                                                  you can own a Zebra Stock Certifi-
          Zebras his freshman year for the op-  A few of the the members of the robotics team show off last year’s robot at Concerts  cate  which  signifies  you  as  an  in-
          portunity to build things, make new                                                                     vestor in the Wayne Memorial Bionic
          friends and for the help with school-  in Goudy Park.                                                   Zebras FIRST Robotics Team. You
          work he could get through the robot-  each week to show off their current                               would  be  entitled  to  investor-only
          ics team. He says the team has had  robot  and  talk  robotics  with  inter-                            emails on team progress and impor-
          a 100% graduation rate over the last  ested  concert-goers.  “Spacer”  has                              tant event information as well as in-
          20 years.                          been rolling around this summer at                                   vitations  to  team  open  house  and
             Two years ago, Wayne Rotary in-  the park with Team President Dallas                                 team build days.
          vited the Bionic Zebras to set up a  McIntosh, Safety Captain Sara Bella-                                  The 2020 competition theme is
          tent at the Wednesday night concerts  vance, Kaden and Team Mentors J.J.                                Infinite Recharge. The FIRST (For In-
          in  Goudy  Park.  The  team  arrives  Johnson  and  Eric  Cleereman.                                    spiration and Recognition of Science
                                                                                                                  and Technology) Robotics website in-
                                                                                                                  dicates Rise: The Force is Building,
                                                                                                                  powered  by  Star  Wars:  Force  for
                                                                                For $10, you can own Zebra Stock as an  Change.  There  are  sound  files  for
                                                                                investor in the Wayne Memorial Bionic  Star  Wars  ambient  sounds,  R2-D2
                                                                                                                  beeps  and  BB-8  noises.  Star  Wars
                                                                                Zebras FIRST Robotics Team.       fans should be interested in seeing
                                                                               “Spacer” is the team’s 2019 competi-  what  transpires  when  these  high
                                                                                tion  robot  for  Destination  Deep  school students get the specifics for
                                                                                Space. It got its name because team  the competition season and “rise” to
                                                                                members kept losing spacers inside  the occasion.
                                                                                the robot. “A joke name,” says Kaden.  If  you  would  like  to  purchase
                                                                               “Spacer” has an elevator system that  “stock” in the Bionic Zebras, become
                                                                                can go 8-feet up, a drive train that  a  sponsor  or  donate  to  the  team,
                                                                                can make 360 degree turns, an elec-  please   email    Kaden     at
                                                                                tronic panel, can move 15 feet in a  May  the
                                                                                second, and has the names of team  force of Wayne be with them.

                                                                                                             The Wayne Dispatch · September 2019 · 11
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