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Turning town teal yields survivor stories

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                     said, ‘hello can I help you?’ She said,  son realize that their life matters to
             For  the  7th  year,  Wayne  will  be                             ‘Oh no, I want to come out and give  us. Because it does.”
          turning  teal  with  ribbons  raising                                 you  a  hug  and  say  thank  you.’  I   in-
          awareness  of  ovarian  cancer.  The                                  looked at her puzzled a bit because I  forms site visitors of potential symp-
          teal ribbons will be placed through-                                  had never met this lovely lady. She  toms  of  ovarian  cancer  which
          out the city on September 1 by em-                                    began to tell me, ‘I just got off the  include:
          ployees and friends of Independent                                    phone  with  my  sister,  and  I  was  • Bloating
          Carpet  One  in  Westland.    Cathy                                   telling her that I saw the carpet lady  • Pelvic or abdominal pain
          Buchanan,  co-owner,  has  spear-                                     in the parking lot. You know the one  • Vague but persistent gastroin-
          headed  this  local  event  during  Na-  Teal ribbons were tied along Wayne Road  who ties the teal ribbons along Ford  testinal upsets such as gas, nausea,
          tional  Ovarian  Cancer  Awareness                                    and Wayne Rd. She’s here. My sister  or indigestion
          Month  to  help  spread  information  and Ford Road bringing awareness to  told me to tell you thank you. She is  • Difficulty eating OR feeling full
          about this disease that has no early  ovarian cancer.                 an  ovarian  cancer  survivor.  We’ve  quickly
          detection test. If detected in the early  year after year, talk to people along  seen you and your team tying the rib-  • Urinary symptoms (urgency or
          stages, the survival rate for ovarian  our  route  of  tying  ribbons,  about  bons  year  after  year  and  we’ve  frequency)
          cancer is 90-95%.                  why we are doing this and explaining  wanted  to  say  thank  you  so  many  • Unexplained changes in bowel
             “I know it has made impact on a  the symptoms and also hearing sto-  times. It means so much to us. We  habits
          number of people’s lives” says Cathy,  ries from people who stop us about  love to see these ribbons. We love In-  • Unexplained weight gain/loss
          “as I have had contact with and made  members of their family.”       dependent Carpet One.’ Tears rolled  • Ongoing unusual fatigue
          friends with families who have lost  “But two months ago while load-  down my face and we had the best     • Back pain
          someone  to  ovarian  cancer.  Chris  ing my trunk with purchases from  hug.”                              • Menstrual changes
          Siese from Wayne is doing well after  Home Goods on Ford Rd in Canton,”  “And  that  moment  made  every-  • Pain during intimacy
          losing his wife Annette two and a half  continues Cathy, “I was stopped by a  thing reality of why we do this. It’s
          years ago.” (Annette’s story was fea-  lady getting in her car. She had seen  making  a  difference.  It’s  touching  If  these  systems  persist  for  10
          tured in The Wayne Dispatch in Sep-  my  license  plate  that  says  Carpet  lives. When people think they’re all  days to 2 weeks, you are advised to
          tember  2017.)  Kathy  Graham  has  One on the front of my car. She came  alone  in  this  struggle,  they  realize  consult your gynecologist, physician
          lost a family member to ovarian can-  running  saying,  ‘Carpet  One  lady  they’re not alone and people care. We  or a gynecological oncologist. As the
          cer and struggling herself as a breast  please  stop.  Carpet  One  lady!’  I  do  care,  and  we  will  do  this  year  website tagline says “The earlier the
          cancer survivor. And we constantly,  chuckled to myself and stopped and  after year even if it makes one per-  diagnosis-the better the prognosis.”

          10 · September 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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