Page 6 - The Wayne Dispatch
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GAVEL, Continued from page 3

          state  of  Michigan,  which  include
          drug and sobriety, mental health, vet-
          erans,  and  other  nontraditional
             “You want your community to be
          strong  and  understand  what  the
          court is for and that they’ll be treated
          fairly,” said Justice Clement. “Mental
          health is a difficult population.”
             Justice Clement attended Michi-
          gan State University on an academic
          scholarship and graduated in 1999
          with a B.A. in Political Science. She
          graduated from Michigan State Uni-
          versity College of Law in 2002 and             Michigan Supreme Court
          was  licensed  to  the  State  Bar  of      Justice Elizabeth T. Clement
          Michigan the same year. Since then,
          she has been a legislative aid to the  tors,  law  enforcement,  the  mayor,
          Senate Majority Leader in the Michi-  district court judges from Westland,
          gan Senate; has owned and operated  and especially the public. I was wel-
          Clement Law, PLLC representing in-  comed  by  everyone,  had  so  many
          dividuals and businesses in family  great  conversations  about  what
          law, adoption, probate, estate plan-  everyone’s  background  and  jobs
          ning and criminal law; has served in  were, what makes Wayne unique and
          the Senate Majority Policy Office; has  special, and most importantly the in-
          served as legal counsel in the Michi-  credible passion every single person
          gan Senate; has been cabinet secre-  has for serving the public. Our dis-
          tary, deputy chief of staff and deputy  trict  courts  are  the  most  frequent
          legal counsel in the Governor’s Of-  place the public interacts with the ju-
          fice; and has served as Chief Legal  diciary  and  from  the  second  you
          Counsel for former Michigan Gover-  walk  through  the  door  and  Kevin
          nor Snyder.                        (who  handles  security)  greets  the
             Justice  Clement  is  the  11th  public, the staff at the front counter,
          woman  to  serve  on  the  Michigan  the staff in the courtroom and the
          Supreme Court and the 113th Jus-   judge, everyone was treated with the
          tice  overall,  having  joined  the  service and respect they deserve. I
          Supreme  Court  on  November  17,  am so proud of the hard work they
          2017 when she was appointed by for-  do every single day and so grateful
          mer Governor Snyder. She was later  for the opportunity to spend time in
          elected in November 2018  to the 8-  Wayne.”
          year term she is currently serving.   After her visit with our District
             “If  I  had  to  pick  only  one  high-  Court, Justice Clement was headed
          light,” of the time she spent in Wayne  to  a  Circuit  Court  in  Kent  County
          on the Have Gavel, Will Travel initia-  and then a Probate Court in Ingham
          tive, “it would be the people I met in  County.  Before  leaving  the  court-
          the Wayne District Court including  house for the day, she said “It’s nice
          the staff, security, lawyers, prosecu-  to see the courts working together.”

          6 · September 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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