Page 4 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Peace and veterans                                                                                      a  light  reception  after  mass.  The
          memorial updates                                                                                        Wayne Historical Museum will be set-
             The Peace Memorial in the court-                                                                     ting up a pop-up museum.
          yard outside the library will be re-
          stored.                                                                                                 The faygo book
             The  Wayne  Downtown  Develop-                                                                          The Faygo Book is the story of a
          ment  Authority  recently  approved                                                                     pop, a people, and a place. Author
          $8900 for the restoration of the foun-                                                                  Joe  Grimm  will  share  stories  that
          tain base. There will be no restora-                                                                    will tickle the taste buds and memo-
          tion  of  the  fountain  water  feature                                                                 ries of Detroiters and Faygo lovers
          itself. The cost to restore the pumps                                                                   everywhere.  Learn  how  a  family
          underground would be astronomical.                                                                      forged  a  bond  of  more  than  100
          A crew will be putting an exterior fin-                                                                 years  with  a  city  and  its  residents
          ish on the cement that is left on the                                                                   and became the last company stand-
          fountain base in addition to the lip                                                                    ing in Detroit’s “pop alley.” The Faygo
          along the top. It is hoped this will be                                                                 Book is a Michigan Notable Book for
          done this fall.                                                                                         2019. There might be a “pop” quiz,
             $24,474  is  in  a  fund  for  a  Vet-                                                               and there will definitely be Faygo to
          eran’s Memorial that will be located                                                                    sample!  Join  the  author  at  the
          next  to  City  Hall.  UAW  Local  845                                                                  Wayne  Public  Library  on  Tuesday,
          which is moving from Canton into   Wayne resident Winifred Nichols celebrated her 109th birthday last month with a  September 10, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
          the former Wild Bill’s party store lo-
          cation on Wayne Rd has a veteran’s  big party at Maple Manor. Winifred is pictured here with her son, Emery Nichols Jr.  Sears catalog kit homes
          memorial  in  Canton.  There  could  and her granddaughter, Susan Patterson.                               The Wayne Historical society will
          possibly be a collaboration between                                                                     present the program “Sears Catalog
          UAW Local 845 to bring that memo-  formance in competitive sports, reg-  orful string, and other materials that  Kit Homes” on Thursday, September
          rial to Wayne.                     ister for HYPE/fit at HYPE Athletics  will be provided on Saturday, Sep-  12, at 7:00 p.m. at the Wayne Histor-
                                             Center  of  Western  Wayne,  4635  tember 7, from 3:00-4:00 p.m. at the  ical  Museum,  1  Towne  Square.
          New restaurant and                 Howe Rd. Training includes speed   Wayne  Public  Library  (3737  S.  Guest  speakers  and  Kit  House  afi-
                                                                                Wayne Rd).  You do not have to bring
                                             training, speed mechanics, form run-
          bar coming to Wayne                ning, core training, endurance build-  your backpack as your charm will be  cionados Andrew and Wendy Mutch
             The vacant building on Wayne Rd  ing, strength, agility, flexibility and  on a clip. There will be music and  will  show  all  the  ins  and  outs  of
                                                                                                                  Sears Roebuck catalog houses. For
          formerly  known  as  Jake’s  Way   balance. The co-ed class for ages 7  snacks to welcome the new school  many years around the turn of the
          Sports Bar and Grill has been sold.  and older will be held on Tuesdays  year. Bring a friend or make a new  century  you  could  order  an  entire
          The new owner plans to make it a   and  Thursdays  monthly.  The  first  one!  Caregivers  are  asked  to  stay  house from Sears, and it would be
          restaurant and bar. A new façade on  session will be September 3-26 from  with any child  under  age 10. All  delivered  on  a  railcar  for  you  to
          the  outside  of  the  building  is  also  7:15-8:30 p.m. 4-week sessions are  school age kids are welcome!   build.  Many  homes  in  Michigan
          being planned along with significant  $65.  Call  HYPE  for  more  informa-                             towns  are  kit  houses  or  based  on
          investments on the interior.       tion (734) 721-7400.               Blue mass                         similar plans. Come to the presenta-
                                                                                  St. Mary’s Catholic Church will  tion to learn more.
          HYPE/fit builds                    Customize your backpack            be holding a Blue Mass on Sunday,
          speed and agility                     Just in time for school, you can  September  8,  at  11:30  a.m.  Mem-  Veteran’s Summit
             If  you  want  to  invest  and  help  make  a  designer  charm  for  your  bers of the police, fire and EMS de-  The 10th Annual Veteran’s Sum-
          build the future of your child’s per-  backpack with decorative beads, col-  partments  from  Wayne,  Westland  mit will be held Wednesday, Septem-
                                                                                and Inkster are invited to the mass  ber  18,  9:00  a.m.-1:00  p.m.,  at
                                                                                which will honor all first responders.  Schoolcraft College, 18600 Haggerty
                                                                                The  Notre  Dame  Council  of  the
                                                                                Knights of Columbus will be hosting              See Briefs, page 12

          4 · September 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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