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Tropical smoothie cafe opens in Wayne

          By Carolyn Marnon
             Bringing  it’s  relaxed  coastal  at-
          mosphere to downtown Wayne, Trop-
          ical Smoothie Café opened August 9
          in the Rite Aid plaza at the corner of
          Wayne  Rd.  and  E.  Michigan  Ave
          (35131 E. Michigan Ave.)
             If you aren’t familiar with Tropi-
          cal Smoothie Café, the franchise pro-
          motes eating better to feel better. The
          menu  features  toasted  flatbreads,
          pressed   sandwiches,   signature
          wraps and bowls, and quesadillas.
          You can order classic smoothies and
          superfood smoothies (such as an Is-
          land Green made of spinach, kale,
          mango, pineapple and banana or the
          fun-to-say Avocolada with avocado,
          pineapple,  spinach,  kale,  coconut
          and  lime.)  Supplements  and  fresh  Mayor John Rhaesa along with Wayne City Council, Administration and the Wayne Chamber of Commerce welcome the owners
          add-ins are available. There is also
          an  all-day  breakfast  menu  and  a  of Tropical Smoothie Cafe Walter and Stefanie Bender to Wayne.
          kids menu. Don’t forget the cookies,  ment with the leaseholder couldn’t  provide quality products in a clean  with  him  or  the  general  manager
          sides and beverages.               be  made,  so  he  started  looking  establishment with great customer  (who  happens  to  be  his  son.)  He
             This  is  the  first  Tropical  around at other possible locations.  service. The majority of his staff are  would want the details of the situa-
          Smoothie Café for owner Walter Ben-  He  pulled  into  the  Rite  Aid  plaza  high school students from Wayne Me-  tion to make sure it gets resolved im-
          der. When he decided to become a   parking lot one day and noticed sev-  morial  and  the  surrounding  area.  mediately.
          franchisee, he wanted to open a loca-  eral  vacant  spaces.  He  called  the  Most are in their first job. Walter is  This goes back to his goal of pro-
          tion in the Belleville or Ann Arbor  property manager and voila! he had  trying to teach these teenagers what  viding great customer service. Walt
          territory. The franchise office asked  his  space.  The  location  is  a  good  it’s like to have a job, the discipline  speaks  so  enthusiastically  about
          if he would be willing to open the lo-  choice, Walter says, because there is  that is needed at a job, how to take  Tropical Smoothie Café and the fact
          cation in Wayne, which their market  easy access to the plaza from any di-  direction and respect order.   that he is there all the time (and if he
          demographics had shown would be    rection and there is plenty of park-  Walter  says  he  is  working  on  a  isn’t, his son is.) As he spoke about
          a growth market. He jumped at the  ing. The Biggby location had limited  Happy Hour event for the future and  his  business,  he  was  opening  the
          chance. “It was a no-brainer for me.  parking and after he and his employ-  currently  runs  Military  Monday  door for customers as they entered
          I didn’t hesitate.” Walter is a member  ees parked, there would only be a  where military veterans can get 25%  and exited, greeting customers, and
          of New Hope Church in Wayne and is  few  spaces  for  customers  to  park.  off their order all day Mondays. A  shaking hands, all with a bright wel-
          quite familiar with downtown Wayne.  The plaza landlord gutted the space  customer must show proof of their  coming smile.
          Although he lives in Novi, he says the  down to an empty shell which Walter  military status (DD214) or current  If you haven’t already, take some
          15-minute drive to Wayne provides  and his crew transformed into the  military ID card to receive the offer.  time to stop by this latest business
          him time to collect his thoughts and  coastal muted warm colors (orange  With  the  high  standards  Walter  in downtown Wayne and give it that
          prepare for the new day. The fran-  and turquoise) warm wood and met-  has set for his business, he is hope-  great Wayne community hospitality
          chise originally steered Walter to the  als you’ll find when you step inside.  ful that problems will be few. If a cus-  we all share. Let Walt know he made
          former  Biggby  Coffee  site  on  W.  “The community has been very re-  tomer  were  to  have  a  problem,  he  an  excellent  choice  when  he  made
          Michigan Ave. Walter said an agree-  ceptive,” says Walter. His goals are to  asks that they call and ask to speak  the decision to invest in Wayne.

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · September 2019 · 5
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