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City officials join Kelly Whitehead and her friends to cut the Ribbon at Klassy Kellec-
          tion last month.
          Klassy Kellection is

          keeping it classy

          By Sarah Shurge                       After healing from her transplant,
             Some things in life seem meant to  Whitehead returned to work and five
          be.                                years passed by. She began feeling fa-
             One minute you are a cosmetolo-  tigued and something inside her told
          gist. You blink, and then suddenly  her to leave work.
          you are a business owner of a unisex  To compensate for the loss of her
          boutique and salon.                clientele,  Whitehead  decided  to  do
             That’s exactly what happened to  something  to  fill  the  void.  She
          Kelly Whitehead and that blink of an  started selling clothes from her base-
          eye was actually five years of time.    ment to make up for the loss of in-
             In  March  2021,  Whitehead     come.
          opened her business, Klassy Kellec-  “I  am  not  the  type  to  ever  take
          tion at it’s new and upgraded loca-  work  off,  but  something  was  just
          tion  on  Michigan  Ave.  Two  doors  telling me to leave,” said Whitehead.
          down from US 12 Bar And Grill.     “God had everything already worked
             However, her journey to get here  out and planned, I just didn’t know
          was not a simple one.              it yet.”
             In October 2011, Whitehead un-     And  that’s  when  what  seemed
          derwent a kidney transplant. At the  like ‘fate’ came into play.
          time, she owned a hair salon called   A  friend  of  Whitehead  told  her
          Hair Cafe. She loved making people  about a wholesale show in Atlanta
          feel beautiful and she loved working,  called  the  Atlanta  Apparel  Show.
          but because of the surgery, she had  Whitehead  went,  signed  up  and
          to shut down the salon so she could
          have time to heal.                           See Kellection, page 5

          4 · July 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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