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Kellection, Continued from page 4                                                                       head to toe,” said Whitehead.
                                                                                                                     With  the  blessing  of  the  new
          started buying items. Eventually, she                                                                   building, Whitehead decided to bless
          got a retail license, stepped out in                                                                    her daughter as well by giving her
          faith, and things began to take off.                                                                    the  space  on  Wayne  Road  for  her
             Before she knew it, ‘fate’ was at                                                                    21st birthday. Whitehead’s daughter
          work in Whitehead’s life again.                                                                         opened a salon and named it Hair
             Whitehead lives in Romulus and                                                                       Cafe  after  her  mom’s  salon  that
          a friend randomly told about a build-                                                                   closed 10 years ago.
          ing in Wayne that seemed perfect for                                                                       Whitehead  is  working  on  net-
          her and her business. It was small                                                                      working  Klassy  Kellection  through
          and affordable. Exactly what she was                                                                    social media and learning to keep up
          looking for.                                                                                            with all the different platforms and
             The  friend  was  concerned  that                                                                    posting daily.
          Whitehead would not be able to get                                                                         “That’s where the money is. If you
          the  building  though  because  the                                                                     aren't doing that then you are miss-
          landlord was extremely difficult to                 Come check out Wayne’s newest boutique, Klassy Kellection.   ing out on a lot,” said Whitehead.
          get in contact with.                  And  then  ‘fate’  came  into  play,  salon and the boutique.        Whitehead  hopes  Klassy  Kellec-
             But some things in life just seem  again.                            Aside from upgrading from a 300-  tion will be the first of a chain some-
          meant to be.                          After  a  few  years  in  business,  square-foot space to a 1,200-square-  day in the future.
             Whitehead was able to get in con-  Whitehead was told about space that  foot,  Whitehead  was  also  able  to  “Running a business looks easy
          tact  with  the  landlord  and  she  was available on Michigan Ave. She  upgrade her Kellections.       but I don’t think it's easy at all,” said
          opened her business Klassy Kellec-  was told the space had been empty   She  went  from  having  just  the  Whitehead. “The easiest part is just
          tion on Wayne Road. It was a 300-  for a long time and she wasn’t sure  Klassy Kellection for women, to now  showing up because it's what I love
          square-foot  salon  and  boutique  if she would get it.               having a King Kellection for men dis-  to do.”
          combined in one.                      But some things are meant to be,  played inside the store as well. Sizes  Klassy Kellection is open 10 a.m.-
             It was a small space without win-  and it worked out in her favor.   for both Kellections run from small  7 p.m. on Tuesdays and 9 a.m. -7
          dows for mannequins to display her    The new location ended up being  to 3X.                           p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays and Sat-
          apparel, but Whitehead was happy   the perfect building for Klassy Kellec-  Before  the  calendar  year  ends,  urdays. You can also visit the website
          with the place.                    tion.  It  is  a  storefront  with  lots  of  Whitehead  plans  on  adding  shoes  for more information or shop online
             “I was comfortable there. I had no  windows  for  mannequins  and  the  into her Kellections.        at  or  call  at
          idea I was going to get blessed with  building is sectioned in half, making  “What goes better together than  (734)398-1440.  Whitehead  said  to
          this space,” said Whitehead.       it  extremely  easy  to  separate  the  hair and clothes? A full look from  remember to “keep it klassy.”

                                                                                                                    The Wayne Dispatch · July 2021 · 5
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