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“White Boy Rick” visits Wayne Releaf

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                              will be donated to help get the release of wrong-
             Picture this: you visit a cannabis dispensary.                                            fully or excessively imprisoned drug offenders.
          Recreational marijuana was legalized in Michigan                                                In May 2020, Wayne Releaf opened in Wayne at
          in 2018, so you think nothing of it. Now picture                                             what was formerly known as the Wayne Bowl.
          this instead: you’ve spent 32 years in prison for a                                             “A bowling alley was the perfect place for it,”
          drug offense, you are the longest-serving nonvio-                                            said  Kim  Russo,  Owner  of  Wayne  Releaf.  “The
          lent-offender in Michigan history, you finally get                                           front half is a dispensary, and the back half is for
          released from prison and visit a cannabis dispen-                                            grow and processing. We’re still in the process of
          sary.                                                                                        getting that finished. The plans have been submit-
             The latter might cause you to stop and think,                                             ted to the city. We’re just waiting to hear back.”
          but there’s a lot more to the story than just that.                                             Wayne Releaf’s showroom is 7,000-square-feet
             On Saturday, February 19th, Richard Wershe                                                and carries over 300 different medical marijuana
          Jr. visited Wayne Releaf Provisioning & Cultivation                                          products and over 30 flower strains to choose
          Center. Some of you may not know the story of                                                from.
          Rick Wershe, known as “White Boy Rick,” or why                                                  At the end of December 2021/beginning of Jan-
          he would be visiting Wayne Releaf. To understand                                             uary  2022,  Wayne  Releaf  launched  Wershe’s
          why, you need to take a trip back in time.                                                   cannabis brand “The 8th.”
             In the 1980s, at the age of 14, Wershe became                                                Each month, Wayne Releaf has Vendor Days,
          the youngest Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)                                           where vendors can come to the dispensary for a
          informant. When Wershe was 16, the FBI, after                                                few hours and promote their products. It’s a time
          having secured 20 convictions through his infiltra-                                          for vendors to spotlight their product, so generally,
          tion of a violent drug gang, ceased to employ him                                            they have a table with their product on display,
          as an informant. In 1987, at the age of 17, Wershe                                           they explain their product, possibly discount their
          was arrested for possession of 8 kilograms (18                                               product for that day, and give out free merchan-
          pounds) of cocaine and was sentenced to life in                                              dise.
          prison under Michigan’s 650-lifer law.                                                          Wayne Releaf normally has about 10 vendors
             The law mandated an automatic life sentence                                               come a month. After launching The 8th, Wayne Re-
          without parole for carrying at least 650 grams of                                            leaf management asked Wershe to visit for a Ven-
          cocaine. By 1998, the law was rolled back and                                                dor Day.
          more than 220 convicts were released. All except                                                February 19th, Wershe visited Wayne Releaf to
          Wershe.                                                                                      promote his product.
             On March 31st, 2017, White Boy, a documen-                                                  “I think it's an amazing facility. The transforma-
          tary  detailing  the  case  of  Richard  Wershe  pre-                                        tion that they’ve taken this place from an old bowl-
          miered at the Freep Film Festival and was picked                                             ing alley to what it is now. The things they’re doing
          up by Netflix in April 2021.                                                                 in this community. It’s an amazing facility, I’ll be
             Publicity about the case in 2017 led to Wershe                                            back. I love this place and I hope everybody in the
          being paroled, but directly to a prison in Florida      Rick Wershe, known as “White Boy Rick.”  community supports them,” said Wershe.
          to serve another five years for an auto theft con-                                              There was a great turnout for his visit.
          viction from 2008 (crime committed behind bars).  those responsible for imprisoning him of child  “People were happy to see him. People are hum-
          In 2019, his application was denied by the Florida  abuse. The lawsuit claims Wershe was pressured  bled by his story and have bought a lot of his prod-
          clemency board.                               into assisting police while he was an unsuspecting  uct,” said Russo. “Some people cried when they
             On September 14th, 2018, White Boy Rick, a  teen.                                         saw him because they were so happy for him. I
          film based on Wershe’s life was released. The film  In  November  2021,  Wershe  partnered  with  saw women with tears in their eyes.”
          stars Richie Merritt, Matthew McConaughey, Jen-  Michigan-based  company  Pleasantrees,  and    The crowd welcomed Wershe, and Wershe did
          nifer Jason Leigh, and more.                  launched a cannabis brand called “The 8th.” The  more than just promote his product that day.
             On July 20th, 2020, Wershe was released from  brand’s name references the 8th Amendment in  “He let people take pictures with him and he
          custody in Florida, having completed his sentence  the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits the govern-  spoke to everyone. He was an amazing vendor that
          with credits for good behavior.               ment from imposing excessive bail, fines, or cruel  really took to his customers and gave them 100
             One year after his prison release, in July 2021,  and unusual punishments.                percent,” said Russo.
          Wershe sued the FBI and Detroit police; accusing  A press release stated that a portion of sales  Talking to customers is an important standard
                                                                                                       for Wayne Refleaf.
                                                                                                         “We see over 500-600 average people on a nor-
                                                                                                       mal day. We welcome everyone. Our staff is very
                                                                                                       friendly. We pride ourselves on being so friendly,”
                                                                                                       said Russo.
                                                                                                          Wayne Releaf is located at 36900 Michigan Ave.
                                                                                                       It is open Monday-Saturday 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. and 9
                                                                                                       a.m. – 8 p.m. on Sundays. For more information
                                                                                                       about  Wayne  Releaf,  you  can  contact  them  by
                                                                                                       email  at,  phone  at
                                                                                                       (734)600-0420, or visit their website at waynere-
                                  Richard Wershe Jr. with the Wayne Releaf Provisioning & Cultivation Center staff.
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · March 2022 · 11
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