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P. 14

Lenten fish fry                    Alyse Leslie. "We always knew that  and its hard-working employees.  the  talented  duo  of  Joe  Kidd  and
             St. Mary Catholic Church, 34530  once all of the facts of the case were                              Sheila Burke who have crafted pow-
          Michigan Ave, will be holding their  presented, the city’s position would  Free concert series          erful acoustic anthems which have
          annual Lenten Fish Fry on Fridays,  be vindicated and the claims made   The First Congregational Church  had success locally and around the
          March 4 through April 8. The hours  against city officials would be proven  of Wayne is planning a spring con-  world.
          are 4 - 7 p.m. The event will be carry-  frivolous," said Wayne Mayor, John  cert series that is open to the public  The second concert of this series
          out  only.  You  can  visit  the  website  Rhaesa.  "As  the  City  has  always  with  complimentary  admission.  It  welcomes a local artist of many tal-
 or call (734)  maintained our position that the law-  will be held at 7 p.m. on Saturday,  ents,  Tyrone  Hamilton.    It  will  be
          721-8745 to place your order.      suit was completely without factual  April 9, in the sanctuary of the First  held on Saturday, May 14, at 7 p.m.
             MENU                            or legal merit." Mayor Rhaesa also  Congregational  Church,  #2  Towne  at the church.  The third concert will
             4 pc. Fried Cod (8oz) $15.00    added that he was pleased with the  Square, in downtown Wayne.       be held in June with Kerry Price, the
             2 pc. Fried Cod (4oz) $12.00    ruling and the exoneration of the city  The first of three concerts offers  date to be announced.
             Baked Fish (8oz) $12.00
             All  Dinners  served  with  French                                 sorrow.  Then  do  something—any-  home since 1995. Catch up with her
          Fries or  Baked Potato, green beans,  MINDFUL, Continued from page 5  thing—right now.                  weekly by visiting her blog at courtn-
          coleslaw, tartar sauce, 2 home-made  ing point: I'm an abhorrent cook.  It's advice that is both authentic
                                                My spaghetti is tolerable, though,  and doable.                      Calling  all  moms!  We’ve  got  a
                                             and my kids say they love my cook-   And  this  is  why  Elena's  grand-  question for you: What do you want
          Lawsuit against                    ies, so there's that.              mother's words are being shared all  for Mother’s Day this year? Like, re-
          city dismissed                        According  to  Elena's  grand-  over  the  internet  and  amassing  ally. If you could design or manu-
             On  Friday,  February  11,  2022,  mother, I should not hang my head  pageviews like gangbusters.    facture the most ideal Mother’s Day
          United States District Court Judge  in  shame  for  my  inability  to  do  No matter the year, no matter the  (or Mother’s Day gift) imaginable,
          Stephen J. Murphy dismissed with   more—or do it better.              time: If today is a day that ends in -y,  what  would  it  look  like?  The  Dis-
          prejudice, a lawsuit filed by Wayne   The crux of this message is that  someone—somewhere—could likely  patch wants to know! Share your
          Police Department employee, Abra-  you don't have to attempt to carry  use a pick-me-up like this.      thoughts  by  e-mailing  courtney-
          ham  Hughes,  against  the  City  of  the world on your shoulders. Nor do  Do something. Rest. Praise your- and put “Dis-
          Wayne  City  Council,  Mayor  John  you have to feign an I'm-fine-you're-  self. And repeat.            patch Mother’s Day” in the subject
          Rhaesa, City Manager Lisa Nocerini,  fine-everything's-fine smile.      Courtney Conover is a wife and  line. You may be included in May’s
          and  the  City’s  Personnel  Director,  Observe the pain. Recognize the  mom of two who has called Wayne  Mindful Moment column.

          14 · March 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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