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New homes in Kiawanis Park build on track

          By Sarah Shurge
             In February, two structures stood
          alone  surrounded  by  snow.  Now
          there  are  four  structures.  One
          stands in Lot 3, one in Lot 4, one in
          Lot 13, and the last in Lot 14. To
          some, it might look like an incom-
          plete  job.  To  others,  it  might  look
          like progress within the city.
             Infinity Homes & Co purchased
          the land that was Kiwanis Park in
          2021  and  earthwork  began  mid-
          Summer. The project was approved
          in  the  Fall  and  they  broke  ground
             Twenty-two homes will be going
             The group builds together 3 - 4
          homes each month, so there are cur-                                                            New Infinity Homes are being built in Kiwanis Park.
          rently  four  homes  in  construction  and labor has been an issue and a  ect is expected to be under contract.  the mid $200s.
          right  now.  The  current  homes  are  challenge. It has impacted us to stay  “Feedback  has  been  great  and  “Trying to sell affordability is dif-
          spec  homes  or  quick  inventory  on schedule,” said Rino Soave, CEO  positive,” said Soave. “We get a lot of  ficult but especially now in today’s
          homes.  A  spec  house  (speculative  of Infinity Homes & Co. “We’re also  phone calls; people are delighted to  market. That's something we [Infin-
          house) or quick inventory home is a  dealing with delays with the holidays  see the progress. They have been em-  ity Homes & Co] take pride in. That's
          home builders design to be move-in-  and  utility  delays.  Delivery  dates  bracing it and seeing what good it  what  we  talk  about  around  here:
          ready.                             have been extended because we are  does for the community,”          making homeownership affordable
             As of now, Infinity Homes & Co’s  waiting on utilities.”             Permitting  also  slowed  the   and attainable,” said Soave. “People
          build schedule is to finish the spec  Aside from all of the delays, the  process down, but home sales were  are getting into a brand- new house
          homes, then four homes in May and  snow also slowed the project down,  opened in the Fall. The first sale was  which works out to be almost like an
          four more in April. They are finish-  as well as oil has recently become an  made mid-October. Over half of the  apartment payment.”
          ing  the  rough  framing  now  which  issue. The whole process is expected  22  homes  have  been  sold  already.  Sales are being conducted from
          should be ready in the next 90 - 120  to take 18 months.              There  are  about  7  or  8  units  still  Legacy Park Sale Gallery.
          days.                                “By April, the project will be in  available.                         For  information  about  Infinity
             Houses are generally taking six to  full swing. There will be a lot of activ-  A variety of floor plans ranging  Homes & Co or the homes in Kiwa-
          eight months to build with the short-  ity there. Activity helps the project  from 1,200-2,023 square feet with  nis   Park,   visit:   infinityhomes-
          ages companies are dealing with.   move along,” said Soave. “People will  designer included features have been If you have questions or
             “Our  supply  chain  has  been  an  see things are moving.”        listed on the Infinity Homes & Co’s  would like to speak with someone,
          issue. Increase in lumber over 35%,   By mid-Summer the whole proj-   website, as well as prices listed in  you can call (646)627-9528.
          Urgent Care opens on Michigan Avenue

          By Sarah Shurge                    land Primary & Urgent Care are pri-  gent  Care  wants  you  to  know  they  monia  immunization,  gynecology,
             The  start  of  a  new  year  brings  mary  care,  annual  physical  exam,  care about you.           laser treatment, general heath, im-
          along yearly check-ups, flu season,  preventive medicine, immunizations,  The website states “Dr. Chaudhry  munizations, home visits, minor am-
          and  COVID-19  continues  to  linger  work/school/travel exams, specialist  and his team make your health and  bulatory procedures, and more.
          on.  The  good  news  is,  the  Wayne-  referral, and after-hour care by ap-  well-being our priority. It is our mis-  You can access all your informa-
          Westland Primary & Urgent Care is  pointment.                         sion  to  make  sure  that  when  you  tion online such as: prescription re-
          now open in Downtown Wayne.           If you are looking to get tested for  come to our office that we take the  fills, appointments, lab results, and
             As  of  Saturday,  January  1st,  COVID-19, Wayne-Westland Primary  time  needed  to  listen  to  your  con-  health records.
          Wayne-Westland  Primary  &  Urgent  & Urgent Care also offers COVID-19  cerns.  Then treat those needs and  Contact Wayne-Westland Primary
          Care officially moved to a new loca-  tests.                          concerns with the utmost confidence  &  Urgent  Care  to  schedule  an  ap-
          tion across the street. It is now lo-  For  individuals  without  insur-  and professionalism.”          pointment by calling (734)713-7189
          cated  at  34904  W.  Michigan  Ave.  ance,  do  not  panic.  The  website  Khawar  Chaudhry,  MD  has  his  or  filling  out  the  form  online  at
          between  Second  Street  and  Wayne  states “For those that do not have in-  Board Certification in Internal Medi-
          Road.                              surance, our team is here to help. We  cine, as well as the American Board  ntact and one of the staff members
             Walk-ins are available for Urgent  offer low-cost pricing to help our pa-  of Residency Information.   will get back to you to confirm an ap-
          Care as well as Primary Care. Hours  tients without insurance. In addition,  Wayne-Westland  Primary  &  Ur-  pointment.
          of operation are Monday - Friday 9  you can ask to speak with the office  gent Care offers a wide range of pa-  For  more  information  about
          a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday   manager to discuss a payment plan  tient  services  such  as:  chronic  Wayne-Westland  Primary  &  Urgent
          are by appointment only.           that works for you.”               disease  management,  COPD  and    Care, visit www.waynewestlandmed-
             Services provided at Wayne-West-   Wayne-Westland Primary and Ur-  asthma care, ear syringing, flu/pneu- or call (734)713-7189.
          12 · March 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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