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24-hour child care now open in Wayne

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                            Parents with infants must supply
             On  July  11th,  a  new  daycare                                                                     their own food, diapers, and wipes.
          opened in Downtown Wayne. But not                                                                       Solid food for older kids is provided
          just any daycare, a 24-hour daycare.                                                                    with three meals (breakfast, lunch,
          Tiny Stepping Stones Childcare LLC.                                                                     and dinner) and three snacks a day.
          is a child care agency that is open 24                                                                     “It's  been  pretty  amazing  so  far.
          hours, seven days a week.                                                                               We did an open house and had a ton
             Chyna Knowles owns an elderly                                                                        of people that came,” said Knowles.
          care agency, Comforting Care LLC,                                                                       “Searching for employees has been a
          that has been open and operating for                                                                    little rough. We had 300 applicants
          two and a half years.                                                                                   but I’m extremely picky. I’m a mom
             “I  wanted  to  put  something  in                                                                   of five and in school part-time. So
          place for care for my staff’s kids,”                                                                    when I do interviews, I am good at
          said Knowles. “Sometimes my staff                                                                       knowing if a person will fit correctly
          couldn't find a sitter and the elderly                                                                  or not.”
          weren’t getting the care they needed.                                                                      Knowles  is  going  to  school  full-
          I provide excellence for everything I                                                                   time for a Bachelor’s in Nursing and
          do, so I ended up creating a daycare,                                                                   part-time for an Early Childhood Ed-
          so my staff know their kids are safe                                                                    ucation  Development  degree.  She
          and single moms can work.”         Owner Chyna Knowles of Tiny Stepping Stones Childcare LLC. and friends cut the  states that she couldn’t do this with-
             Being a single mom at one point,  ribbon on her 24-hour day care with Mayor John Rhaesa, Councilwoman Deb Wass,  out the help from her staff in both
          Knowles  understood  the  troubles                                                                      agencies and her husband.
          with finding a sitter, but especially if  Councilman Phil Wagner and City of Wayne Department heads.       “I’m extremely blessed with every-
          you have a difficult work schedule.  to  the  bathroom,  potty  training  to  hunts,  and  trunk-or-treat  for  fami-  thing that has come our way. To have
          Some  single  moms  have  to  work  work as a team with parents, how  lies.                             a  second  business  blow-up  after
          overnight, so Knowles created a cur-  many  times  they've  been  diaper  “Our number one goal is to give  being  open  such  a  short  time  is
          riculum  based  center  with  around  changed, and more.              kids a safe environment where they  amazing,” said Knowles.
          the clock care.                      “I found an app that specializes  are happy they can come here and    Tiny Stepping Stones went viral
             Tiny Stepping Stones Childcare  with our school curriculum, so par-  learn no matter what their situation  on Facebook, Ford Motor Company
          has 24-hour-access to cameras. Par-  ents can log on, see what their kid is  is at home,” said Knowles.   shared  them  on  the  Ford  website
          ents can log into the Guarding Vision  doing, ask random questions, or ask  Tiny Stepping Stones has a total  and  the  Ford  employee  app,  and
          app access the cameras and see their  for  pictures  throughout  the  day,”  of  15  kids  enrolled  since  opening.  Channel  7  News  came  on  site  on
          kids at any given time.            said Knowles.                      They are allowed to have 55 kids in  July 28th.
             “I was a single mom once upon a    Tiny Stepping Stones is a ‘learn  one setting shift, which is specialized  Knowles explained that Tiny Step-
          time and it's hard. I knew access to  with play, learn with movement’ fam-  by the parent’s hours needed/sched-  ping Stones opened one day and on
          cameras would ease that frustration  ily environment. Knowles states that  ules. The staff shifts are from 7 a.m.  the  next  day  had  a  meeting  from
          or  thoughts  for  parents,”  said  “anyone that walks through the door,  -3 p.m., 3 p.m. -11 p.m., and 11 p.m.  Ford Company. She is hoping to part-
          Knowles.                           becomes a close knit family.”      - 7 a.m. to provide around the clock  ner with Ford in the future.
             Tiny Stepping Stones also uses     The  staff  and  kids  have  movie  care.                            Tiny Stepping Stones is located at
          the Brightwheel: Child Care app that  nights  and  daily  trips  to  the  local  Prices range between $250-$320  4915 S Wayne Rd.
          tracks and logs activities with each  parks for outside time to get energy  a week depending on the child’s age  If you are interested in enrolling
          individual kid. It logs sleeping time,  out  in  a  productive  way.  The  kids  and  if  they  need  full-time  or  part-  your child or looking for more infor-
          when the kid wakes up from their   also go on field trips to the hands-on  time care. Examples are: An infant  mation  regarding  Tiny  Stepping
          nap,  when  and  what  they  ate,  and  museum,  water  parks  and  splash  needing full-time care would be $320  Stones,  you  can  visit  tinystepping-
          what  activities  or  learning  lessons  pads, as well as trips to Hines Drive  a week. An 11 year old needing part- or call (734)858-
          they did. It also logs when they went  for the Christmas lights, Easter egg  time care would be $250 a week.   7470.

          12 · September 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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