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Wayne Public Library              only.
                                                                                is now open on Mondays!
                                                                                                                     Pumpkin  Decorating  Saturday,
                                                                                  The Wayne Public Library, 3737  October 15 – 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.- Deco-
                                                                                S.  Wayne  Rd,  Wayne,  MI  48184  is  rate a foam pumpkin with all sorts
                                                                                going  to  be  opening  on  Mondays  of craft materials to make your own
                                                                                again starting in September!  The li-  unique  creation!  Scary,  artistic,  or
                                                                                brary started closing on Mondays in  cute—it’s  up  to  you!  All  ages  wel-
                                                                                2009 to cut costs, so it has been 13  come.
                                                                                years!  The new hours will be:
                                                                                  Monday - Thursday: 10 a.m. – 8     Candy Corn Experiments Satur-
                                                                                p.m.                              day, November 5 – 1 - 2 p.m. -  You
                                                                                  Friday - Saturday: Noon – 5 p.m.  don’t have to like candy corn to do
                                                                                  Closed Sunday                   some fun science experiments with
                                                                                  If you have any questions or want
                                                                                additional  information,  call  the  li-  these  leftover  candies.  Join  in  to
                                                                                                                  make catapults to launch candy corn
                                                                                brary 734) 721-7832.
                                                                                                                  pumpkins, dissolve them in different
                                                                                                                  liquids, and more! All ages welcome.
                                                                                                                     Fundraising  Harvest  Tea  Satur-
                                                                                Wayne Public Library              day, November 19 - 1 – 3 p.m. - Sup-
                                                                                used book bag sale                port the Friends of the Library and
                                                                                  The Friends of the Wayne Public  enjoy a lovely afternoon tea. Sip your
                                                                                Library is hosting a Used Book Bag  favorite  tea,  enjoy  some  bite-sized
                                                                                Sale  on  Saturday,  September  17,  treats, chat with friends, and maybe
                                                                                from Noon until 4 p.m.  You can take  even win a raffle basket. Tickets are
                                                                                home a bag of used books for just  $40 each and will be on sale starting
                                                                                $5!                               in October at the library’s circulation
                                                                                Are you ready for the
                                                                                fall harvest season               St. Mary Church to
                                                                                or for Halloween?                 celebrate police fire
                                                                                The Wayne Public Library is hosting  and first responders
                                                                                several seasonal events for adults   Please  join  St.  Mary’s  Catholic
                                                                                and kids. The list below includes  Church as it says “thank you” and
                                                                                events that adults might enjoy. See  honors the dedicated service of po-
                                                                                the library website for additional  lice,  fire  and  first  responders  in
                                                                                events kids may enjoy.            Wayne and its neighboring communi-
                                                                                                                  ties of Westland and Inkster.
                                                                                  DIY Spooky Décor Monday, Octo-     There will be a Mass on Sunday,
                                                                                ber 3 - 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Turn regu-  September 11, 2022, at 11:30 a.m.
                                                                                lar  books  and  bottles  into  spooky  followed by a reception at St. Mary
                                                                                seasonal décor. The antique, weath-  Catholic  Church,  34530  Michigan
                                                                                ered  look  will  instantly  give  your  Ave, Wayne.  For more information,
                                                                                place haunted mansion vibes. Adults  call the church at (734) 721-8745.

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · September 2022 · 7
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