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SURVIVOR, Continued from page 6
          ties as Mayor to fulfill and countless
          meetings to attend.”
             “My  mother  has  been  amazing
          she cleaned my house and did my
          laundry for 6 weeks while I was re-
          covering from surgery and she made
          me lots of mac and cheese, kept me
          company,  made  me  laugh  and  she
          was my cheerleader.”
             “My family is so wonderful, each
          of  my  four  siblings  took  time  off
          work  to  go  to  a  chemo  treatment
          with me, we still had some laughs at
          least up until I fell asleep from the
          pre-chemo drugs,” says Rhaesa.  “I
          am very fortunate to have such a lov-
          ing family, their support has meant  Natalie up and walking for the first time
          everything to me.”                 after surgery pictured with her mother
             Rhaesa recalls walking into the
          infusion center for her first chemo  who is also walking well after hip re-
          treatment and on the wall there was  placement.
          a  sign  that  read  “You  Never  Know  final chemotherapy treatment on Au-
          How  Strong  You  Are  Until  Being  gust 16th.  She will be having a CAT
          Strong Is The Only Choice You Have.”  scan first week of September and see
          She  says  it’s  kind  of  how  she  ap-  her oncologists for the next steps in
          proached her diagnosis.  “I just say  her treatment.  Prior to Rhaesa’s sur-
          to  myself  ‘Just  Do  It  and  Get  gery her Cancer Antigen number (CA-
          Through It’ and then I move on to the  125)  was  at  703,  normal  range  is
          next  step  in  my  treatment,”  says  between 0-35.  After surgery her CA-
          Rhaesa.  “To have two cancer diag-  125 was down to 69 and after com-
          noses in less than two months is in-  pletion of chemo her CA-125 is now
          teresting, sad, and hard to believe,”  at 9.  The doctors are very pleased
          remarks Rhaesa. “But it’s also a re-  with the outcome of her surgery and
          lief that my brother and I can look  chemo treatments and will continue
          forward to life without cancer.”   to  monitor  Rhaesa  for  the  next  5
             Despite  it  all,  Rhaesa  believes  years.
          brighter days are indeed ahead. She   In  hopes  of  helping  others,
          believes that God doesn’t waste pain  Rhaesa donated her mass and repro-
          and that what she went through may  ductive  organs  to  the  Cancer  Re-
          benefit others. She would encourage  search Center at St. Joseph Mercy
          you to be seen by a physician if you  Hospital and will be getting genetic
          feel something isn’t right.   “Insist on  testing to help further their research.
          getting  bloodwork,  ultrasounds  or  September  is  Ovarian  Cancer
          whatever  tests  necessary,  nobody  Awareness Month. According to the
          knows your body better than you, if  Center for Disease Control and Pre-
          something seems off, please go get  vention (CDC), ovarian cancer is the
          checked.”                          second  most  common  gynecologic
             Rhaesa  completed  her  6th  and  cancer in the United States.

          8 · September 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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