Great activities always happening in Wayne

Bill Turner and Brian Ewanciw (owner) of Icon Computers have a full line of parts and accessories for all computers.
By Dee Ryan – Many thanks to ICON Computer Solutions. Nasty viruses had invaded my computer, as well as my husband’s. It would have cost us a bundle to eliminate them. Enter the good guys from ICON. Within a few hours they cleaned both of our computers of the ‘bad stuff’. No more viruses.
Before moving to Wayne, the computer service was based in Ypsilanti. ICON has been at the Michigan Ave. location for 5 years. It is owned by Mr. Brian Ewanciw. ICON sells new and used computers. They build specialized computers for gaming or business plus all the components that go with those computers. They also sell a full line of parts and accessories for all computers. Their anti- virus repairs are guaranteed and can be done in the store or in your home. Owner Brian E. lives in Wayne and has a 19 year old daughter and a son who is 14.
Bill Turner is Mr. Ewanciw’s knowledgeable employee and colleague. The service has one other employee who works part time.
Another thing—once a year during Wayne’s Cruisin’ US 12 road rally, ICON’s parking lot becomes ‘home base’ for “Hearsin’ Around” the ICONic club from Hell, Michigan.
How does she do it? Judy Wells is the Director of St. Mary Outreach Center and she is a real dynamo. She took time from her busy schedule, to tell me about the donors to the “John Bolden Food Depot.” On her list is Wayne Rotary; Wayne 100 Club; various churches, and the Ford Retirees #182. Also contributing are; Wayne Memorial High School. They collected 193 lbs. of food; John Glenn donated 101.5 lbs. of food; Divine Child 685 lbs. and Wayne St Mary,857 lbs. Ms. Wells also wants to thank Aldi’s Market for all the help they have given to the Outreach Center.
Along with all the work she does for the Outreach Center, recently Judy Wells had a real scare, when her husband, Dave, was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. It was successful and Dave is doing well.
With Thanksgiving and Christmas so close together, this is the time of year many people are in need of food and personal items.
I’m sure there will be more donors during Christmas-New Year’s Holidays—and I’ll tell you all about them as soon as I get a new list.
I hate “goodbyes” don’t you? Our Library Board has had to say farewell to our two liaison members from City Hall. They are Mayor Jim Hawley and Councilman Albert Damitio. The two men faithfully attended our Board meetings, were always forthcoming with helpful news of the city and showed great interest in making the Wayne Library good—better—best. Add to this, a sense of humor and good ideas.
Mayor Hawley and Councilman Damitio did not run for re-election. We will miss them and thank them for their service.
Now for the good news. Recently elected Councilman Tony Miller will be our new contact with City Hall. We were so pleased to meet him at our last Board Meeting. He’s very enthusiastic, and hopes to explore new ideas, especially for ways to increase the Library’s revenues.
Welcome aboard Councilman Miller.
The Wayne Library’s once a year book sale is history. Now they have an ongoing everyday that they’re open, book sale. In the periodical room (where the fireplace is) a large amount of shelf space is now filled with used books for sale. There are 3 different prices—hardback fiction and non-fiction $1.00. Paperbacks are $.50 and teen and children’s books are 25 cents.
And speaking of books…Mary Lindsay, who works in the City Building Department, wrote a book and won an award for it. She tells me “I belong to a writing group that meets in the Westland Library once month. They made us aware of a national challenge for the National Novel Writing Month. The challenge was to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November.
“ I took the challenge and wrote a novel with a day to spare. It’s just a first draft. I may choose to pursue it and eventually submit it for publication. I enjoyed writing it and I think it is a good story.” Mary told us about her book at Pam Dobrowolski’s annual Christmas party.
The Biddle Street B’s gathered at her home for an evening of fun, gifts, food, and spirited talk.
We also honored Barbara Wootton, who recently moved, but is still regarded as the matriarch of Biddle St.
I have a correction to make. In a recent column I referred to Nancy Wojewski Noel as the Director of Wayne’s HYPE Senior Center. Actually, she is the City of Wayne’s Senior Director, who’s office is located in the HYPE Athletic Center. She tells me that she’s not a HYPE employee,but represents ALL Senior residents who do not have to be a member of HYPE to receive her assistance or services.
Mea Culpa, Nancy—sorry about giving you the wrong title. But I’m not mistaken when I say—you really take good care of our Wayne Seniors.
Our hearts are saddened as we mourn the death of our Library Director, Paulette Medvecky.
Rest in Peace, dear friend.